Chapter twenty-five

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Once the smoke had cleared Shado and I carried Slade into the plane and set him on a table. Shado went to make a mud mixture that would help treat his burns. I was in shock and all I could do is sit and hold his hand. How did this happen? Who were those men? Why did they only take Oliver? I didn't understand anything that was happening right now. My mind was flooded with a million different questions. Shado started talking to Slade but I didn't hear anything, it was all white noise. Shado put a hand on my shoulder bringing me out of my thoughts. "His body temperature is dropping, and I need to go find what those men were looking for. If they're willing to kill for it then it must be important. Lay with him, he needs bodily contact so that he doesn't go into shock. Ok? He needs you Andrea. Can you do this?" I nodded my head yes and she grabbed the map then left. I laid beside Slade and put my head and arm on his chest, holding him close to me. I pulled a blanket on top of us and whispered "Stay with me Slade. I need you." Then I fell asleep.

When I woke up Shado was shaking me. "They're here. We need to hide." Instantly all the sleep and drowsiness was gone. I heard a man call for us to show ourselves but Oliver yelled "Andrea, Shado, Slade, RUN!" I put up a force field around us and bullets bounces off of it. When the bullets stopped a man was sent to check the Plane. I grabbed Shado's wrist and put a hand on Slade then turned us invisible. The man looked right past us and then left saying it was clear. I noticed the necklace Shado was wearing a necklace that she didn't have when she left. I gesture to it and she pulled it out. It was a hosen with righting on it. "I don't know what the righting on it is but I'm going to find out." Shado said then went to work on the hosen.

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