Chapter sixteen

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We ran through the woods towards the plane, it was getting dark and I hated the dark. I wasn't scared of the dark, it just put me in edge. I pulled out the flashlight but the batteries were dead. "Fuck." I mumble to the flashlight. "You just have to be dead when I need you." I glared at the flashlight. "Love, your talking to a flashlight." Slade said concerned "And you are bleeding from a bullet wound. What's your point? You know, they say pick your poison and I'd rather be crazy than shot." Oliver shrugged and Shado rolled her eyes. "Can we go now?" Shado said impatiently. I sighed and kept walking. Why did it have to be dark? Just why? Ok, maybe I am afraid of the dark. But who isn't? Really. When we got back to the plane Slade made me tie his hands behind his back before pulling the bullet out. "Finally. I'm the one tying you up." I mumbled to Slade and he laughed. "Why am I tying you up?" I asked as I pulled the bullet out. "A man in pain can be unpredictable and I don't want to hurt you." He said looking at the hole in his arm. "Oh honey. You think you could hurt me? Thats so cute." I said tilting my head. "Do you want to see who wins? I promis it will be me." He said as I stitched him up. "Ok. Your on." I said getting in a good stance in the center of the plane. He squared up and Oliver stepped between us. "I want a fair fight. No weapons." He looked at Slade "No powers." He looked at me. He stepped back and said "Go!" Slade swung high and I ducked popping back up and throwing a jab. He dodged and threw a right hook aimed at my jaw, I leaned back to avoid being hit and swiped my leg under his knocking his feet out from underneath him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me down with him. I landed on top of him and he laughed. "I'm on top. Guess I win." I said pecking his lips and getting up. "Rematch?" He asked while dusting himself off. "Nah. Wouldn't want to bruise you ego and further." Oliver and Shado laughed and Slade looked dumbfounded. I raised my eyes waiting for a response but one never came. Instead he tossed me over his shoulder and carried me out of the plane. I squealed in surprise and started laughing. This was going to be a long night.

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