Chapter twenty-three

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As we walked back to the plane Shado and I tried to make small talk. "What's the deal with you and Oliver? He seems to like you a lot." I said thoughtfully and Shado sighed. "I don't know, we've kissed and, other things but I don't know if it's serious or not. Was there anyone before the island? I know Slade was married but did Oliver have anyone?" I laughed "Would you like then alphabetically or in order of appearance? There were a lot of them but most never stuck around. The Oliver you know now is different than the Oliver here, he's changed. He was a rich playboy who got arrested for punching paparazzi in the street. I had to bail him outa jail." That was fun "Let's talk about you and Slade. I need gossip, what's he like?" Shado asked excitedly. We stopped in a clearing to sit and talk. "He's very protective, it drives me crazy sometimes. He acts like I can't protect myself even though I have powers. I love him more than life itself but I wish he would see that I'll be fine." Shado laughed, "You've got it good. Who know stranding you on an island would cause you to get married." I laughed and stood up. "We need to get going if we want to be back by dinner. I really hope we aren't having opossum for dinner. That shits just nasty!" Shado laughed and we started back to the plane.

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