Chapter twenty-six

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Oliver came running into the plane. Panting and mumbling, then Sara came running in saying something about the hosen and a submarine. Oliver looked at Slade shocked and told us we needed to move him. I gently shook Slade and he opened his eyes. "We need to go. We have something that can heal you." I said with a smile. I helped him sit up then stand. He slung one arm over my shoulder and Sara grabbed a walkie-talkie, then we left the plane behind.

We stopped half way to the submarine so that we could regroup and let Slade rest. But he persisted that we all keep going, so we did. To only part of the submarine that was above the water was the hatch, it had gotten stuck in the shallow water so it was easy to get to. When we got into the submarine I set Slade down andsat beside him. Oliver, Shado, and Sara went to look for the Mirakuru, I still couldn't believe Sara was alive. They came running back in with a needle with green liquid, why did all the weird substance have to be wird colors? Why can't it for once be clear? "We need something to ease it into your body but there isn't anything that would help." Sara said sadly. "With the way you all are looking at me I'm going to die anyway. Just do it." Slade said sounding defeated. I grabbed his hand and held it tight, praying to god that this would work. Slade's grip tightened a bit when the needle went into his leg. Shado injected the Mirakuru into Slade and he started seizing while blood leaked from his eyes. I gasped in horror at what I saw and started crying harder than when the bombs fell. Slade couldn't die, I promise I would bring him home. We were going to have a home, our home. With kids and a dog, we wanted to be normal. But now as Slade took his last breath I realized we would never have that, Ivo, the man that dropped the bombs took everything from me. Now I was going to return the favor if it killed me. I didn't care anymore, the one good thing I had was gone. I was going to make him pay, but first I need to cry.

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