The First Job

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Somewhere in Mount Hakobe the team went looking for the Vulcan's. "Brr, it's cold up here.." Nashi said shivering "Here take my jacket." Jellal said wrapping his jacket over her "But what about you?" Nashi said while staring into his eyes, "I'll be fine, I'm used to the cold." Jellal stated as he smiled at Nashi. Nashi's cheeks went bright red and started to blush "Ok! You two knock it off!" Luke said angry and started to walk towards them.


"H-Huh?!" Nashi gasped as she turns around to see a Vulcan behind her "Stay back Nashi?!" Jellal screamed as he stood in front of Nashi "Uh guys we have a problem!" Tricity stated as they all moved into together making a circle. "There's over a million! Didn't the request say 20?!" James said staring at Nashi "I-It did, but why is there so many?" Nashi questioned herself while the others prepared to fight.

"There's no time for that now Nashi we have to defeat them?!" Luke said turning to Nashi "Right!" Nashi yelled while they started fighting. It's been 15 minutes into the fight and it was tougher then they thought, "NO LIKE MAN ME LIKE WOMAN!" The Vulcan screamed as he punched Jellal into a wall "JELLAL?!" Nashi screamed as she ran to him "Your gonna pat!" Nashi said with anger in her eyes "FIRE DRAGON ROARRR!!" Nashi yelled aiming at the Vulcan causing a direct hit but what she didn't know was that it damaged the floor, Nashi heard a crack from the floor and looked down"T-The floor?!" Nashi yelled.

The cliff started to shake and the team looked at Nashi as the ground started to break, "NASHII?!" Everyone yelled as they watch the floor break. "AAAAHHHH" Nashi screamed as she fell with pieces of the ground, she suddenly felt grab her hand "H-Huh?!" Nashi yelped as she looked up to see Jellal. "J-Jellal?!" Nashi yelled with happiness "J-Just hold on, I promise not to let you go!" Jellal said with determination but it seemed that he was struggling as a Vulcan was behind him.

"TAKE THIS?!" Jaylee yelled attacking the Vulcan "T-Thanks Jaylee" Jellal said gratefully
"Your welcome, now help Nashi?!" Jaylee said while defending Jellal "R-Right!" Jellal said gaining his strength back. He was able to pull Nashi back up but as he pulled her up he fell back making Nashi land on him, they both started blushing turning into tomatoes "I-I'm so s-sorry" Nashi said while hiding her face "It's alright" Jellal said flustered and looking away.

"Oi, you lovebirds are you gonna help or what?!" Tricity yelled as she ducked and punching the Vulcan. "Right—wait did she say LOVEBIRDS?!" They both yelled as they both blush "WOMAN?!" A Vulcan said running towards Nashi but she wasn't paying attention "NASHI LOOK OUT?!" Jellal yelled as he pushed her out of the way, Nashi fell to the floor and Jellal ended up taking the hit "J-JELLAL?!" Nashi screamed upset and angry "Now your gonna pay!" Nashi said with an emotionless look on her face as she stands up and walks towards the Vulcan's.

"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!" Nashi yells as she hits the Vulcan making him fly into his mates then falling off the cliff. "Nice one" Storm said as he helps Bianca up "Thanks it was nothing" Nashi said with a smile on her face "Wait—Jellal!" Nashi screamed as she turned to Jellal and ran to him, "Jellal!..Can you hear me!" Nashi said kneeling next to him. Jellals eyes slowly opened to see Nashi sitting next to him "Jellal!" Nashi said with complete happiness

"W-What happened?" Jellal stuttered as he holds his stomach "You took the hit for me" Nashi explained as she helps him up, "D-Did we win?" Jellal said getting up "Yeah, we did" Nashi said putting his hand around her shoulder "Cool" Jellal said with exhaustion. "Let's get back to the guild and get you to bed" Nashi explained as she looks at everyone. *Everyone is hurt or exhausted because of this mission, Bianca got a cut on her leg, Tricity used to much power, Jaylee got hit by a Vulcan and Jellal took the hit and now has no energy* Nashi thought while walking down the mountain.

At the Guild-

The doors flung open as the kids walk in "Your back!" Lucy screamed as she ran up to them "Oh my god, what happened?" Lucy said stopping in her tracks "Well, Bianca got cut on her leg so now she can't walk, Tricity used to much power, Jaylee got hit by a Vulcans fist and Jellal took the hit for me and lost his energy and strength." Nashi said as she hands Jellal to Erza who took him to the infirmary. "Tricity you know what happens when you used too much power!" Laxus explained helping her sit down. "Dad, I was protecting Bianca and the one I was fighting was strong" Tricity stated while Mira sat next to her giving her a big hug.

"How did you guys defeat all of them?" Gray said to Jaylee as she holds her stomach "It was because of Nashi's fire dragon iron fist, she managed to punch one into the others knocking them off the cliff" Storm smiled as he looked at Nashi. "Well, what matters is that your all back and safe" Juvia sighed ruffling Storms hair "Mom~ stop~" Storm groaned as he pushes Juvia away from him "Mom, where's Dad?" Luke said looking at Lucy "Over with Macao and Wakama drinking there heads off." Lucy groaned in disappointment.

"Sounds like Dad!" Luke giggled while Nashi runs to Natsu "Dadd!" Nashi yelled giving him a hug "Nashi your back!" Natsu said returning the hug, "Woah you all look beat" Macao explained while taking another drink "Yeah there were more than 20, they were difficult to defeat." Nashi pointed out as Erza walks out."Erza!" Nashi yelled running to her "How is he?" Nashi worried while Erza smiled "He's just fine just exhausted" Erza said walking off "Who's in the infirmary?" Wakama said "Jellal, he took the hit for me because I wasn't paying attention" Nashi said with a sad face "I'm going to visit him" Nashi said walking off.

*Knock knock*, "Come in" Jellal said in a low tone, Nashi slowly opened then closed the door and walked up to Jellals bed and sat on the chair next to him. "How are you feeling?" Nashi said also in a low tone looking down at her hands "I'm fine just exhausted" Jellal said when he looked at her hands he saw tear drops on her hands "Hey, what's wrong?" Jellal said worried as he sits up, "Why?" Nashi said as the tears keeps dropping "Why did you take the hit?!" Nashi yelled as the tears got heavier "It was better me than you Nashi" Jellal explained as he patted her head.

"But look at you, your hurt because of me!" Nashi said while looking at him, Jellal stared into those beautiful eyes and started to blush "It's not your fault, I had to do something if you got hurt I would feel guilt because I didn't do anything" Jellal said smiling Nashi looked at him while he raises his hand to wipe her tears away. Jellal smiled as he watch her slowly fall asleep on his side, Jellal gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and smiled then sitting down closing his eyes as well falling asleep.

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