This Is War

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It has been a day since the incident happened at the party, everyone is planning on what they can do about Nashi and how to rescue her.

"AHHHH" Nashi screamed in pain as they stab her in her thigh "Now, tell me where I can find your first master?" Shosay said pulling out the knife roughly. "I don't know" Nashi said with an angry look on her face "Stop with that answer already, I know your lying" Shosay said getting ready to stab her again but got stopped by Aria. "Sir, I think it's time you stop you have tortured her enough for one day" Aria said sad tears stroll down his face.

"I suppose your right, take her back to the dungeon and make sure she's locked up" Shosay agreed as he walked out of the room. Aria walked up to Nashi and teleported then to the dungeon, he grabbed her and placed her on the wall and tied her up in chains and stepped back "Don't you think you tightened them too much" Nashi stated as she gave Aria a serious look. "Yes, the master wanted me to so you could feel more pain" Aria explained as he teleported away "Of course he did" Nashi said closing her eyes and falling into slumber.

With Fairy Tail.

"Has anyone got any clue on where Phantom Lords guild is?" Cana explained looking at everyone "Yes but all I know is there guild is in the west of Magnolia" Levvie said while searching through books. Markarov looked around to see everyone working hard but realised someone is missing "Jellal" Markarov said "Yes?" Jellal replied turning to him "Where's Jellql Jr?" Markarov questioned Jella "Don't worry I sent Erza after him" Jellal said walking to Cana and helping her research.

"Jellal there you are" Erza said walking up to Jellal "Oh, hi mom" Jellal said in a low voice looking at the ground "Jellal are you okay?" Erza said worried as she turned to him, "I'm just worried about Nashi, what if they do something bad to her" Jellal replied with guilt and sorrow as tears form his eyes. "I promised to protect her, I couldn't even do that" Jellal said holding back his anger but when he tried to speak he was cut off by Erza.

"I know your worried about her but you protected her with your life by fighting for her" Erza said pulling him into a hug, he returned the hug and buried his head into Erzas chest and started crying. "Besides, whatever they do to Nashi I'm sure she'll be okay she's stronger than she looks" Erza chuckled stroking his hair and closing her eyes. Jellal suddenly stopped crying and released from her hug "Lets finback time the guild and help them figure out how to destroy Phantom" Jella said with an angry smirk on his face as he ran off with Erza.

Jellal and Erza returned to see everyone working their buts off and joined them. "How's everything going?" Natsu said walking up to the bar and sitting down "Oh Natsu, you feeling any better?" Mira asked as she gave him a drink, "I'm feeling better than ever and ready to kick some but!" Natsu said taking a sip from his drink. "Easy there hot head we still have to figure out where they are and how to get there?" Lucy stated as she sat down next to Natsu.

"Oh I forgot about that" Natsu said taking another sip from his drink, "Have we found anything yet Mira?" Lucy questioned as Tricity sat next to her. "All we know is that there guild is to the West of Magnolia" Tricity explained  concerned, "She's right but if we were to start war with Phantom what will happen to the people?" Storm walked up standing in front of them. "We will just have to evacuate them to nearest town" Jaylee said standing next to Storm.

"Which would be Crocus." Bianca said sitting next to Tricity "We can evacuate them there, plus Sabertooth is there they can protect them" Luke said standing next to Jaylee. "Macao, Wakama, Erza and Gray go evacuate the town, Happy, Carla, Wendy and Romeo go inform Sabertooth what's happening" Markarov yelled as they agreed and ran off to do there duties.

"We haven't seen Sabertooth in a long time" Lucy smiled "Yeah, I heard from Lector Yukino and Sting got married" Natsu stated as he smiled back "Lucky them, well let's focus on the task at hand" Lucy explained as she walked off and helped the others. Natsu agreed and walked off to do the same, "Shosay, this means war" Markarov said angrily as he stared outside of the door angry and mad.

"The towns people have been evacuated to Crocus" Erza said as she walked in. "And Sabertooth has been informed of the situation" Wendy said walking in behind them "Good we must now come up with a plan" Markarov said as the whole guild circled around a table and worked.

With Nashi

"Well, wakey wakey" Shosay said walking into the cell with a small knife and a taser, Nashi slowly opened her eyes to see Shosay standing in front of her "Guess what time it is?" Shosay said happily "Torturing time" Nashi sighed as she closed her eyes and let him hurt her. He placed the taser behind her neck and the knife on her cheek, cutting her cheek and tasing her at the same as she yelled in pain gave him happiness as he kept going until she was fully covered in cuts and bruises.

"Well that's enough for this morning" Shosay said backing away watching her huff and puff trying to breathe. Shosay walked to the door and stopped and smiled, he quickly turned to her and threw the knife to her stomach causing her to scream which made him happy. He clicked his fingers to signal Aria to stitch her up, Aria appeared and stitched her wounds roughly and watched as she faints of exhaustion.

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