Your Finished!

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(Pretend the picture is Nashi and Jellal)
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Nashi Dragneel" Shosay said as they both circled around the room eyeing each other. "What do you want with me Shosay?" She questioned as she stopped in her place "Well, you have a great amount of power and I want it!" He said as Nashi looked at him confusedly "What do you mean?" She asked confused.

Before she could talk again, Shosay shot a blast at her so she quickly dodged and shot fire at him making him burn and yell.
"You'll pay for that!" He yelled as he shot another one at her but this time it hit her leg.

"Ahhh" she yelled as she kneels down holding her foot in pain "Giving up?" He said walking to her slowly "No, never!" She yelled back as she ran towards him full strength and fired a big blast of fire at him. From Nashi's point of view it looked like she beat him but he came up behind her and shot her with all his strength making her fly into the wall.

Shosay tortured her for awhile until he saw a window, so he picked Nashi up and walked to the window. "This is goodbye Nashi Dragneel" he said as he through her out the window, the glass shattering gave everyone in the guild their attention but thought because of the rumbling so they continued to fight.

Nashi still unconscious fell from a tall tower as the blood of her wounds gets on her clothes. But as she reached the bottom she heard someone say "Jaylee Now!" As water appeared underneath her and bring her down to the ground and laid her softly.

"Nashi!" Jaylee yelled as she and they boys ran to her while she lays there unconscious with wounds everywhere on her body bleeding like crazy. "Nashi, please open your eyes or move!" Luke said as he shakes her back and fourth, Nashi responded by moving her head side to side making them sigh in relief.

With Master Shosay...

Shosay signalled his men to stop as he stood at the top of the stairs with a big grin on his face. "Your little dragon slayer is dead" he yelled as Jellal Jr fell to his knees as the other kids gave him a big hug and cried. Lucy and Natsu hugged each other and cried while they fell to the floor, Markarov bursted into anger as Macao tries to calm him down.

"I'm safe to say that, Your Finished!" He yelled as a sneaky girl walked up behind "Not so fast Shosay" she said calmly as he turned around to Nashi Dragneel stand behind him cornering him so he couldn't go anywhere. "How can this be, your supposed to be dead" he shouted as Lucy, Natsu, Jellal, and the other kids shot up crying still but happily.

"Well, Jaylee, Storm and my brother saved me" she said as they all ran to the kids. Bianca saw storm and ran to him and gave him a hug as he blushed and returned it and smiled "Hey it's ok, I'm here" he said as she dug her head in his chest, he put his hand on her head and stroked her hair as she cried loudly.

"And now it's time to finish you!" Nashi said as she gathered all her strength and formed a large circle above her with a huge amount of power and started chanting words.

As she finished chanting the words she aimed it straight for Shosay, he saw the circle come for him as he tried to escape but he couldn't. He screamed in pain as he fell from the staircase in front of Markarov who shot him again with his magic. The guild was shouting in victory as Nashi slowly walked downed the stairs.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, her team ran and gave her a big hug, she and her team cried and cried until they stopped and released. Lucy and Natsu ran up to her and gave her a big hug, tears strolled down her face as they all released from each other.

Nashi looked towards the distance to see a boy smiling as tears strolled down his face, Nashi's eyes filled up with more tears as they both ran towards each other. Nashi ended up flying into his arms and he flung her around in joy as they both sobbed into each other.

"I'm so glad your alright!" He cried as they fell on the floor, she nodded her head in agreement as they both released from each other in embarrassment. Macao came up to them and patted her head "Let's go home" he smiled and she did the same.

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