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"I want you to cut the stone in half" That's all Urokadaki said before he left.

Chapter 9: Pass

Nezuko looked at the huge boulder. Could she even cut the boulder? All she knew was not to break the sword but how? She had to complete the task. She had to turn Tanjiro back into a human.

Nezuko repeated the lessons over and over again but everything she did was useless. She didn't leave a scratch on it. Nezuko sighed but she was determined to cut it in half. She thought about Tanjiro that was at home. Sleeping.

Nezuko trained and trained while Tanjiro woke up. He looked around finding someone. Anyone. Tanjiro walked into the living room.

"Tanjiro" A voice boomed behind him. Startled Tanjiro rapidly looked over his shoulder. It was only Urokadaki. Tanjiro sighed in relief. Tanjiro walked over to him, wondering why he called his name.

"Tanjiro, your sister is training" Urokadaki paused as he walked to his tea set as he continued on "Did you meet him? The father of Demons. Did he turn you into a demon?" Urokadaki asked as he poured some green tea into a porcelain cup. Tanjiro could only nod. Urokadaki sighed. Muzan caught another victim, an innocent victim.

"Can I have permission to put a spell on you. The spell will make you think that humans are someone important to you that's all it does, I promise. Don't worry I will ask for your sister's permission too" Urokadaki told Tanjiro.

Tanjiro thought about it. If the spell is on him then he won't have an urge to eat anyone. That would be amazing but Tanjiro knew that some people are evil. Some are fake or negative. Tanjiro knew that but he was blessed with a good and pure heart that he won't leave someone to die. Tanjiro sighed and nodded. He agreed.

Urokadaki sighs out of relief. Urokadaki knew Tanjiro well enough to know he won't attack anyone but he wanted to make sure when the pillars harass him, he won't take the bait and kill him. Tanjiro is a great kid.

Tanjiro talked to Urokadaki for a long time it was a calm talk while Nezuko was talking to a dusty rose haired male. He suddenly appeared when Nezuko was training.

"I can't believe Urokadaki took in a pathetic girl" The male in a fox mask with a scar, spatted. Nezuko didn't like how the man spoke badly to her. It shocked her. She would never speak that badly to anyone. Nezuko wanted to prove she wasn't pathetic like she was told by the male.

Nezuko harshly glared at the male. The dust rose haired male noticed and lifted an eyebrow.

"oh? I like the look in your eye but with that amount of skill, you will never beat me" He told Nezuko.

"Well, we will never know unless I fight you correct" Nezuko responded back.

"I guess that's true but I bet you 10 billion percent that you won't beat me right now" The male smirked.

"Alrighty then let's fight!" Nezuko yelled determinedly. The male smirked at how stupid she was as he took out a wooded Katana.

"Hey! that isn't fair if I have a metal Katana while you have a wooden one" Nezuko yelled at him as she knew he was underestimating her. Nezuko didn't like that.

"Maybe, if you become better I might pull out my metal one but for now I will fight you with my wooden one!" The male told her.

Nezuko sighed as she held her katana. Getting ready, staring at her opponent. She breathed out letting all her nerves go away. She looked at the male. He looks like he was ready enough so she charged at him with all he force. Unfortunately, he was strong and he won with Nezuko on the ground with a wooden blade towards her neck.

"Weak." The male said as he put his katana back into the katana case while he walked away.

"Sorry, about him he just like that" A girl with a fox mask with blue flowers sat on the boulder. Nezuko looked at her. "Oh, yea! My name is Makomo and the boy you fought is Sabito" Makomo looked back at Nezuko "Please don't hold a grudge on him, He doesn't want the past to repeat" As sadness fell upon her Makomo looked regretful.

Nezuko didn't know what she meant by that but she didn't like the look in her eyes. Nezuko didn't want to question her past.

"How about we train you?" Makomo randomly asked. Nezuko swiftly nodded. She didn't care if she lost, she actually learned for it. Nezuko trained her breathing so it will become muscle memory every day for 2 hours. Till her final fight with Sabito. It was a good fight but eventually, she won after hours of fighting Sabito every day she finally won. The first and last look of Sabito as him smiling like he was proud than he disappeared. Nezuko looked at the boulder. It was cut in half? Nezuko was smiling. Another step to turning Tanjiro back into a Human.

Urokadaki sighed as he walked to the forest where the huge boulder was. Once Urokadaki got there he as shocked. He couldn't believe she cut the boulder in half. Urokaadaki as proud of her but now he had to send another child there. She might not come back. What will happen to Tanjiro if she didn't?


Hewo, Haru is here!

I was thinking of updating once a week but I know I won't last that long so I'm going to try and update once a  week.

Donno how long I will last.

I will update every Saturday (Australia).

Thank you guys for reading my stories!  ;-;



Demon Tanjiro (Kimetsu no Yaiba) {Discontinued}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora