Volume 1 Chapter 1 Character Sheet

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Character Sheet:
Name: Isabella Clarke
Hero Name: Rogue
Gender: Female
Artist Name: MissStarLight
Age: 26
Eye color: Left colors of the rainbow, Right Cyan Blue
Hair color: White, her long bangs fall in-between her eyes, parted slightly to the left.
Height: 5'10
Place Of Birth: Scotland
Family: ???

~Immortal Regeneration (Can't die unless someone erases their qurik. Regenerates almost instantly but drains their energy. Like naps, because of constantly healing.)

~Weapon/Item Create (Can create anything that they consider a weapon but they have to be able to carry it, katanas, guns, sniper,ect. Can dismantle them/make them disappear when the qurik is deactivated, or when it takes too damage, guns have unlimited ammo as long as she isn't too tired. Can create support items and miscellaneous items like, skateboards, roller skates and Pro Hero support items, as long as she knows what they are made of.)

~Neturallize(Can stop someone's quirk by looking at them but only from the left eye. The eye glows bright when the qurik is activated. When she blinks and  keeps it shut or covers it up then it will stop working. She covers it because of its color, I changes colors randomly, also if everyone knows her eye does this they could target her for them.. If she uses it too much it will start bleeding, or Vision will go blurry and needs time to rest until they can use it again. But can over use her right eye because of not being able to use her left eye unless it's really necessary.)

~NightVision(Only in her left eye, bright light irritates it, she can turn off this ability unlike her nuturalilizing qurik in her left eye. Use it too much it will bleed, or go blurry.)

Equipment: Has all types of goggles she wears, one pair is black and red but when she doesn't wear them they hang from her side or her neck or whatever, (like Erasers) She wears a Black mask that covers the lower half of her face and sometimes the whole left eye too. She almost always wears a dark long sleeve shirt, dark black pants, She also wears black, shiny fingerless gloves.

Skills: Acrobatics, cooking, singing, keen intellect, Martial arts, karate, sword play, military training, profiling, can play almost any instrument, Gymnastics, Sneaky, Nimble, flexible,

Characteristics: Cheeky, Sarcastic, Blunt when speaking, ???

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