Volume 1 Chapter 2 The Life Of The Famous..... Really Sucks

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She is traveling around the world for her new book about profiling criminals. And her album named,"born from nothing." She just finished up with her home town in Scotland. And visited her parents grave and left roses like she does every year. She misses them dearly but then again their lives were miserable. They are finally at peace now, and looking over her. After staying in Scotland for a few days, she had to go to the next country like every few years. She did research and Japan is her highest seller for everything she has done, so why not move there for a few years. Also she has a few places she wants to go to in Japan. The thing is she just wanted to be a pro hero, but then she discovered that she had other talents and passions. It's okay being famous isn't that bad all the time, she gets to meet new people and all over the world for that matter. She doesn't like that much attention, which is ironic because she's the #1 singer and Writer in the world, she just did those things for fun and didn't really care about the fame, but the world revolves around money sadly. But hey at least she enjoys the things she does everyday and isn't miserable like most people in the world..or is she?... Anyways she's moving to Japan and she packs light, since she doesn't like to spend money on expensive things unless she really has to. Like I said she doesn't live like a rich person, she is just a Scottish girl from a small town and was a nobody, but worked hard at her passions and now she is the best of the best, not of the pro hero's but the Art's Industry. Her networth is insane, so many zero's that someone would faint at the sight of the number. She's pretty selfless and wants to make others happy.

The move to a foreign country:
She got a apartment near a school called UA High School or something like that. She heard that the #1 Hero is working there this year. She's really bad at pronouncing Japanese names but some names are easier than others. She has a book signing in a few hours. She is in her normal pro hero outfit to avoid attention and detection from the press, she is a underground hero in regards of popularity. She is well known as her other things than her being a pro hero. Which is okay, because she just wants to help others in the shadows, and do her other things in the spot light. Being a underground hero is like her only Alone time and being treated like a normal person for once in her life.

She has arrived at the first place of the day for her book signings and then later she has a meeting with the head of police to talk about profiling criminals. She has a really busy day ahead of her and she just got in the country just a few hours ago. She didn't sleep on the plane because of trust issues, as well as being as famous as she is, she can be targeted pretty easily on planes, it's not like she can die but still.

She got to the bookstore early, so she can set up shop. They had posters of her hanging up infront of the store, it was all in Japanese so she didn't know what it exactly said word by word. A few minutes later a huge swarm of all types of people came pushing through the door and lining up to get her autograph.

Several hours of signing later~ The last person left and she sighed deeply."That was more than I expected. Now I have to stand for several hours and talk about my book and profiling criminals to the whole police force, as well as infront of some reporters." *Sighs* "This is going to be a long day.." She packed up her stuff and thanked the store owner,"No thank you MissStarLight!!" They bowed repeatedly. She smiled but then realized they can't see it because of their mask, she bowed instead to repay the respect. She went straight towards the police station in the city of Japan. Then she thought of a perfect idea. She created a skateboard with her creation quirk. And used it to get to the city faster than being on foot. 

A few hours later she is a few minutes in her Confrence with the police and some reporters. "Profiling criminals is still a thing that the police should still be using, it's just substituting our modern thinking plus what we already Know....." She went on and on and got a few questions afterwards, she did her profiling on one of the reporters for a example, it was dead on. The whole room became impressed and intrigued by her intelligence. She sold her books there afterwards, so many people bought it it's not funny. She started packing up and then a detective walked over to her and started up a conversation with her."That was a very interesting Confrence." She looked at him and nodded,"Yes it was, and I'm exhausted. You know who I am, so who is talking?" He nodded,"Ah sorry, how rude of me. I'm Naomasa(last) Tsukauchi(first) or Tsukauchi Naomasa whatever you prefer. I'm a detective for the police force, her in the city of Japan." She bowed hesitantly,"I'm new at this... I'm not sure when I'm supposed to bow or not.." She said laughing nervously underneath her mask. "No no it's alright,*He waved her off* it's fine really, you will get used to it. I'm sorry for asking but, are you a pro hero too?" She got suprised that someone actually knew. "Huh, yeah I am actually, but I'm a unground hero." "Ah I see, is there a reason why?" "It's a weird answer, but I hate attention from the media. It's like a grace period for me. I'm a normal person, a normal hero saving others and going back into the shadows just like that, without having to sign autographs or taking pictures." She said while staring right in his eyes when speaking. "Oh well that's understandable, you are very busy and popular everywhere you go. It must be tiring. I was wondering about it because I have a job for you, as a pro hero." She raised her eyebrows in curiosity."Hmm I'm listening." "We need more capable pros on the streets of the city of Japan because of the recent attacks of the league of villians and the hero killer Stain. Since you are not interested in joining a agency, you can just work alone and with other hero's with my recommendation." He took a breath,"Also I'd love to have you help here at the police headquarters with hand to hand combat. I heard you are really good at fighting." He hands her his card,"I'll let you think on it, and if you need anything just let me know." He smiled, bowed and walked away. She just stood there and watched him leave the room. She put the number in her phone and saved him in her contacts. Man her phone is empty, she bought a new one for Japan, and it's only has his number in it, she definitely needs friends. She headed home, but walked because of being too tired to create anything, even though it was really late, so late it's super dark,10pm ish. Then she heard someone screaming in a alley way and she instantly dashed towards the terrible sound. She reached the alleyway and hear someone walk behind her, she created a Glock in one hand and pointed it behind her and then created a desert eagle in her other hand and pointed it forward at the other dark figure. "Haha!!" A creepy laugh surrounds her in the dark alley way. She she can't see anything to shoot accurately. The footsteps get closer to her and she starts to fire her bullets at the darkness. Then suddenly her guns get pulled out of her hands from a quirk...a magnet qurik? She takes off the mask bit that was covering up her left eye and activated it. It becomes a dark green color for Night vision. She smirked big underneath her mask at what she saw,"Okay I see now, there are four of you. And you were unarmed but now have my guns... You thought?!" She snapped her fingers and the guns turned to dust in their hands. They grit their teeth and rush towards her in frustration. She created a red rope wrapped around her hands, they all tried to punch her she jumped up on their hands and ran up on top of their arms and drop kicked a guy in the face, he instantly fell asleep. They both used their stone skin quriks, she lets them hit her and then wrapped the rope around their arms and then slid underneath their legs and wrapped it around their whole body. They both were wrapped up like a present. She got out her phone and dialed the police station and told them what happened and where to pick them up. She is staring at the villians with her eraser quirk. Since she just came from the station it didn't take too long. They got her statement and she headed home again just like nothing happened to her. Her injury already healed up. She just wants to get home and sleep, is that so hard!? A few minutes later she arrived at her apartment building and she hears a familiar voice in the distance...To be continued.

Being Famous In A World Of Hero's And Villians Volume 1 (Oc X MHA) Where stories live. Discover now