Volume 1 Chapter 10 Near Death Experience...

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Previously: Few mins before:
*Shota's POV* Me and Zashi get closer to the two figures and see it's her our friend Isabella screaming and being tortured by a scum bag villian. She is bleeding from all over her body by a knife blade and he was doing things to her sexually...Me and Zashi instantly get a feeling a pure hatred and anger towards the villian doing this to our new friend. I activate my qurik and wrap him up in my scarf and pull him to me and knee him in the face. He coughed up blood I broke his teeth. He tried to struggle and I broke his arms by squeezing my scarf so tightly around his whole body. He screamed in agony and pain, begging for mercy. I just smile at his pain and squeeze harder until he passed out by the pain. I release my scarf and now me and Hizashi are crouching next to her laying in the ground crying and not healing up and just bleeding from all over. Her pulse is slow but stable, there is a few needles on the ground near her. She can't speak properly, she's trying to say something but it's coming out as muttering and mumbling nonsense. We are trying to calm her down with our voices but it's not working. I call the police and leave him tied up with my scarf/capture weapon against a light post and then I scooped her up and me and Zashi head back to our place to stop her bleeding. We arrive at the complex building and go up the stairs because we don't have any time to waste waiting for a elevator.
Hizashi opened the door and pushed off the stuff that was on the dinner table and I laid her down on it with a pillow behind her head. Hizashi got the med kit that was in the bathroom. I started to sow up her wounds. She groaned weakly everytime I stuck the needle through her skin. I flinched at the sounds she was making, it stabbed my heart and broke it a little each time. Hizashi poured the alcohol on the wounds afterwards to clean them up and we hand to put a towel in her mouth for safety reasons. She screamed in agony as it burned and bubbled up. Me and Zashi looked at each other with guilt and horrible heartache hearing her screams fill our place. The atmosphere of her pain and screams melded together in one, it broke our hearts in two seeing and witnessing this happen before our eyes. She eventually stopped screaming but damn it was the most painful thing to hear coming from a persons mouth....There is no painful thing a villian can do to me, than to make me relive those screams that came out her mouth. It was unimaginable torture just to hear that, and seeing how her body shook uncomfortably as the alcohol sterilized the wounds. I never want to hear that come from a friend or the innocent ever again. As a hero it ripped my heart into two. And as a person/teacher if it was one of my students, I don't know what I would do. I'm speechless of the horrible things that happened to this girl, and to think she still has enough strength to help others without hesitation, no matter how hard or painful it is. I'm glad that I met someone so strong, brave and inspiring to look up too. Me.. I'm dull and boring, sure I teach kids, but only because Zashi convinced me to take the job. I hate the media, I just want to help others without getting anything in return. But then again, just like her. People being happy with a smile on their faces makes me feel like I have a purpose for living. I'm not very trusting or emotional, or nor do I like to show my emotions but that doesn't mean I don't feel them. I just have a hard time expressing my feelings. Unlike Zashi, I'm the complete opposite of him but he's still by my side till this day since childhood. I was a outcast like her, I understand that feeling of being hated because of your qurik or how you look. But still she was famous, rich, has everything that most people want in the world. But she doesn't care for Money or fame, she cares about other people's safety and well-being. Despite her struggles she's still going strong, she saved me and Zashi without thinking about herself. She is our fan, but thinks of us as her friends, Even though we just met. She is so sweet and kind, but stubborn and thick skinned. She has traits of me and Zashi combined. Glad to have met her, no matter the circumstances of how we met....*

After they patched her up and all that, they both got a drink and looked over her to make sure she doesn't die, since her qurik isn't working.

Shota~"Zashi, I..I'm.. glad you..met me..back then.." He said tiredly but with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Hizashi~"Sho? Are you alright, you never say things like this unless...are you okay!?" He shouted the last bit in a bit of a panic.

Shota~"Yeah...*sighs* I'm fine.. it's just she..is just like me before I met you.." He said that with a hint of sadness in his tired tone of voice.

Hizashi~"Sho...I'm glad I met you too." He put his hand on Shota's shoulder and looked in his eyes with a huge smile on his face. "I know what you are thinking, and I'm thinking the same. She has the friends she has been wanting her whole life. We will take good care of her, vise versa." He pulled him into a warm embrace and rubbed his back. "I love you.." He said whispering into his ear with a calming voice.

Shota~He held Zashi back and when he heard him say those three words he broke."I..love..you..too.." Tears ran down his cheeks and fell to the floor.

Then suddenly they hear her gasps for air and sit up abruptly on the table. They both stop hugging and rush towards her. "What..the." She looked around in a panic, but then she saw them standing next to her and smiling genuinely at her being awake. "Sh-h-hota.. Z-zashi..." She forced out their names out of mouth. Not caring if it was right or wrong. "Yes Isabella..we are here." Hizashi said smiling big. "Isabella we aren't leaving you alone...like the others." Shota said with a little smile and only a little Tired unlike Normal, the way he said it was different than the other times. She smiled back but her mask was still covering her mouth. She said,"Screw it!" She reached up and pulled down her mask off her mouth and she smiled big with tears of blood and normal in the mix going down her face. What they saw, didn't scare them or anything bad. But they understand why she doesn't show the world her face, her  lower face and part of her neck has deep cuts all over it from the car accident when she was a kid. And severe burns, purple skin patches all over her neck and near her mouth. She has surgical staples connecting the normal skin and purple skin. Not to mention the scars on her arms from her self harming. That makes them Wonder what does the rest of her body look like? No matter what happens or what she looks like, they couldn't care less about that. She is a good person and that's all that matters. They both stay quiet for a few seconds and just look at her scars. She sucks it up and prepares for them to react badly..."Isabella..." She opens both of her eyes and gets suprised to what she see's. They are just smiling and holding out their hands for her to grab...it's unreal for her, she didn't expect for someone to accept her as who she is...but today is the day that all changed. They both accepted her for her as a person and everything in between. No matter what she looks like and how she acts. They were once her idols but they are now her best friends. She just sat there for a few seconds and stared at them in awe, they both were smiling genuinely, even Shota showed his emotions for once for her in that moment. She grabbed their Hands and gripped them tightly. They both pulled her close to their chests and said something she will never forget. "We are glad we met you Isabella..Clarke." She stopped crying blood and tears and she returned the favor with a happy smile and voice for once it purly a genuine happy voice."I'm glad I met you both too...Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada...I'm happy for once I'm my life! THANK YOU!!!" She screamed as she hugged them back...To be continued...

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