Volume 1 Chapter 13 Unstoppable Force Called Rouge!!

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Previously: She grinned sadistically under her mask and turned around to join the others only to see Eraser almost being grabbed by the remaining monster she instantly created a shuriken and threw it at the Creature hand and shouted at her best friend as she dashed towards him and Mic. He looked behind him and the shuriken hit it's hand and just missed Eraser's head. Mic and him are at each other's backs all worn-out and breathing heavily.... They are just about to get attacked by the bird creature but then it's whole right side gets cut in half by one slash. She created a katana In a matter of seconds and dashed towards the creature and just barely saved her friends. The creature instantly regenerated and turned around and punched through her stomach and created a gaping hole through her chest. The Blue haired villian laughed almost sinister at her injury but then stopped and changed his tune when she started laughing hysterically like a crazy person. Pulled down her mask and her smile on her face was just a creepy and sadistic like the blue haired villian. Eraser and Mic are too exhausted to move anymore. They both leave it up to her,"Rouge it's up to you..."*mic collapses into Eraser's arms* "Rouge...Kick their ass!" Eraser said with the rest of his energy he had left before he collapsed to the ground with Mic in his arms on the ground."Will do friends, good work.." She said under her breath while grinning sadistically.  "So... Handyman what's up with your terrible planning..like seriously?" She said sarcastically. He started scratching his neck intensely. "Kill her NOW.. Nomu!" The bird creature instantly inhumanly dashed towards her and she took the hit. She flew a few hundred feet away and still got up with all her broken bones Healing up slowly. Spitting up blood like it was nothing. "Nomu..huh..so that's it's name...huh handyman....or should it be hand job.." she said smiling at her terrible jokes. The bird creature grabbed her by the neck and picked her up from the ground. She smiled big,"Wow..*coughs up blood* he is strong, but not good enough for me.." She created two small curved daggers and threw them at his eyes just before her whole body went limp. He dropped her for a split second and then she created two ball and chains and pinned him down on the ground with it around his neck and legs. Then finally she used her left eye and created a flame thrower and emptied a whole tank of gas on him. He burned up like paper and the smell was so disgusting, like burnt rubber. She waited for it fully turn to mush and then walked over to the remaining two villians, purple smoke and Hand-Job guy with a Sadistic psychopathic smile on her face and a casual way of walking. "Wow this feels so good, I haven't killed like this in so long!" Shs licked her lips in a satisfactory way. The two villians took a step back and scoffed in annoyance at her attitude towards them. She's acting like a psychopath/villian. A side that Eraser and Mic hasn't seen before but to be honest they get like that when they fight villians so they aren't very bothered. "What are you!" Hand-Job said. "Who are you?!" Purple Smoke said. "Me? I'm just a friend of the pro hero's you decided to Attack...and for that you pay with your life..." She cracked her knuckles and grinned Sadistically. "You should definitely run away like the pest you are, or do you actually want to fight back...or are you too much of a coward?" Everything she said got underneath his skin so much so he dashed towards her with a intent to kill. She smiled big and then he disappeared into a purple mist. She stopped abruptly,"Aww man, what a drag it was just getting interesting." She ran over to the other villians and knocked them out just using her hands to hand combat skills.

After finishing up the last thug, All Might came back out and brought Recovery girl with him to heal them up. Eraser and Mic had only a few cuts and bruises but if it wasn't for Rouge they would be dead for sure. Speaking of which where is she? Then suddenly she collapses into Veiw of everyone and mutters,"Eraser...Mic..I did it.." Recovery girl Rushed over and All Might rolled her over and there was absolutely no injures on her just a damaged outfit she was wearing. "What..the..but she should be severely hurt.." All Might said confused. Eraser and Mic look at each other and nod. They pick her up and take her inside the school, to the teachers lounge. They stayed by her side until she rested on the lounge couch. The school dimissed early and the pro hero's that didn't see the fight headed home. But for Ectoplasm, Snipe, All Might, Principal Nezu, Eraserhead, Vlad King, and Present Mic all stayed afterwards. They are waiting for her to wake up to discuss it further....

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