Volume 1 Chapter 3 Making Decisions Is Hard

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They got her statement and she headed home again just like nothing happened to her. Her injury already healed up. She just wants to get home and sleep, is that so hard!? A few minutes later she arrived at her apartment building and she hears a familiar voice in the distance... She walks closer and hears a man yelling gibberish to someone. She swears she knows that voice. She reaches the building and sees two stumbling figures heading towards the elevator she runs quickly to get there in time. "Hey wait stop! Hold the door!" She shouted running towards the closing elevator door. A black boot just manages to stop the door from closing all the way. She has her mask on again and her goggles are on her face as well. "Thanks I really appreciate it." She says breathing heavily in the elevator. The man doesn't say anything, and then she looks at the two men in pro hero outfits. "You guys are pro hero's too?" The man said nothing but nod. She looked at the other man who was clearly drunk. He looked familiar but she couldn't figure it out where she's seen him. The elevator door opens and they both get off  stumbling like they are both drunk. She steps out too, and looks around like she's lost. Then she looks at the numbers on the doors. And then she saw the two guys struggle with opening up the door, she walked over to help. "Excuse me do you need help?" He shook his head while trying to control his drunk friend. She insisted on helping and the man insisted back. She looked at the last door on the man's right, it was her apartment,"It seems we are neighbors..so if that's the case, can I help you?" He scoffed annoyed, he nodded as he gave her the keys. She opened the door in a matter of seconds,"Here you go.." He just looked at her and nodded. He grabbed the keys from her and went inside with his super drunk friend and then shut the door on her without saying anything. But she didn't really care either way, he seemed totally fed up with his friend. She was going insane over where she's heard his voice from.

She went in her place that was still filled with unopened boxes. And inched past the mess and reached her bedroom. She was too tired to change so she just plopped down onto her floor bed and instantly fell asleep....

She woke up did her daily workout, cleaned up her place a bit, empty out some boxes, I repeat some. Then changed into the second pair of her same outfit she wore yesterday. She has multiple pairs of her hero costume and in multiple different colors. But she wears black the most. Today she has to go to the police station to train recruits with hand to hand combat. She took the job offer, but for days she agrees with on her own terms. She also has to do night patrolling once or twice a week.

A few hours in training recruits~ She backflips and while in mid flip she threw metal baseballs at all of the recruits chests just hard enough to get to cough up spit. After she landed she flip she gestured at them to try and hit her once with the metal baseballs. It was target training, movement and aiming practice. They all throw the balls at her and she kicks them all back at them into their hands that they just threw from. They all flinched in fear. "Try again." They do it again, but miss her not even close to hit her. She dodged everytime. She gives them even heavier balls and then stood still infront of them. "Throw as hard as you can, and try and knock me down." The students/recruits where struggling to hold the weighted balls in their hands. They all threw them but most of them instantly went to the ground. One manage to hit near her feet, but none hit her."That's shows you, that strength is a big importance of fighting with heavy armor or gear to carry, do the daily workout every morning or afternoon and eat regularly and then in a few months we will see if you can do it then. In a couple weeks we are going to be working on reflexes. Have a nice day everyone." "Yes ma'am!"

She waved as she left to go to her next stop of the day. She streached as she walked out of the station. "Ughh, where am I going next, geez it's 6pm already..I have patrol in 2 hours...I need some food, I wonder if there is a restaurant just for pro hero's.." She looked up on her phone and one was only a few feet away from the police station. That's very convenient, huh. She walks up to the door and knocks on the metal door. "I'm the pro hero Rogue." She showed her license and the door got unlocked and opened by the bouncer, it's not just a restaurant it's a bar. It makes sense why there is such high security.

She gets a seat at the bar and gets a Curry and rice. Her first time having curry I must point out. And this curry is very spicy, she gets a drink of water, since she is on the job in two hours. Then suddenly a very loud voice came from the entrance of the building. "Heyyyy what's up my listeners!!?" "Mic no one cares, or listens..ughh." She looked at the two men speaking and they glanced over at her staring directly at them.... To be continued

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