Volume 1 Chapter 11 Music Concert Of MissStarLight! Fast Approaching!

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Previously: After they patched her up and all that, they both got a drink and looked over her to make sure she doesn't die, since her qurik isn't working.

Shota~"Zashi, I..I'm.. glad you..met me..back then.." He said tiredly but with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Hizashi~"Sho? Are you alright, you never say things like this unless...are you okay!?" He shouted the last bit in a bit of a panic.

Shota~"Yeah...*sighs* I'm fine.. it's just she..is just like me before I met you.." He said that with a hint of sadness in his tired tone of voice.

Hizashi~"Sho...I'm glad I met you too." He put his hand on Shota's shoulder and looked in his eyes with a huge smile on his face. "I know what you are thinking, and I'm thinking the same. She has the friends she has been wanting her whole life. We will take good care of her, vise versa." He pulled him into a warm embrace and rubbed his back. "I love you.." He said whispering into his ear with a calming voice.

Shota~He held Zashi back and when he heard him say those three words he broke."I..love..you..too.." Tears ran down his cheeks and fell to the floor.

Then suddenly they hear her gasps for air and sit up abruptly on the table. They both stop hugging and rush towards her. "What..the." She looked around in a panic, but then she saw them standing next to her and smiling genuinely at her being awake. "Sh-h-hota.. Z-zashi..." She forced out their names out of mouth. Not caring if it was right or wrong. "Yes Isabella..we are here." Hizashi said smiling big. "Isabella we aren't leaving you alone...like the others." Shota said with a little smile and only a little Tired unlike Normal, the way he said it was different than the other times. She smiled back but her mask was still covering her mouth. She said,"Screw it!" She reached up and pulled down her mask off her mouth and she smiled big with tears of blood and normal in the mix going down her face. What they saw, didn't scare them or anything bad. But they understand why she doesn't show the world her face, her lower face and part of her neck has deep cuts all over it from the car accident when she was a kid. And severe burns, purple skin patches all over her neck and near her mouth. She has surgical staples connecting the normal skin and purple skin. Not to mention the scars on her arms from her self harming. That makes them Wonder what does the rest of her body look like? No matter what happens or what she looks like, they couldn't care less about that. She is a good person and that's all that matters. They both stay quiet for a few seconds and just look at her scars. She sucks it up and prepares for them to react badly..."Isabella..." She opens both of her eyes and gets suprised to what she see's. They are just smiling and holding out their hands for her to grab...it's unreal for her, she didn't expect for someone to accept her as who she is...but today is the day that all changed. They both accepted her for her as a person and everything in between. No matter what she looks like and how she acts. They were once her idols but they are now her best friends. She just sat there for a few seconds and stared at them in awe, they both were smiling genuinely, even Shota showed his emotions for once for her in that moment. She grabbed their Hands and gripped them tightly. They both pulled her close to their chests and said something she will never forget. "We are glad we met you Isabella..Clarke." She stopped crying blood and tears and she returned the favor with a happy smile and voice for once it purly a genuine happy voice."I'm glad I met you both too...Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada...I'm happy for once I'm my life! THANK YOU!!!" She screamed as she hugged them back...

It's been a week since then and she is getting ready for her music concert that's happening tomorrow night. The album is named,"born from nothing." It's been pretty hectic, the tickets are selling like crazy. She knew it was going to be popular, but damn! The numbers is in the thousands within a few hours. Because she works for the police from time to time, they have stepped in to help with the security issue. And her "recruits she traines" they all offered their services to help. She felt honored that she earned their respect so much that they offered to protect her from danger. She told them that it's good for experience. Even though she doesn't really need protecting. But the population doesn't know about her Healing quirk, except for Shota and Hizashi. Nor do they know about her left Eye's Quriks, she made a excuse years ago saying that she lost the use of her left eye. But we all know that's not true.

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