Volume 1 Chapter 7 I'm Not As Happy As I Seem...

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Previously: I have two other quriks." Hizashi and Shota are a bit flabbergasted at this point. "You have two more?" Hizashi said hesitantly. "Yeah, um creation of weapons, support items, as well as miscellaneous items also. And then I have quirk I have called Immortal Regeneration. I can't die unless your quirk erases my regeneration but it's highly unlikely because I have a Erasure qurik as well, so we would cancel out each other's quriks." "Hmm.." Shota said tiredly, trying to process everything she just said. On the other hand,"What!? That's so cool!!" "Zashi.. don't.." Shota tried to warn him not to say what he thinks he's about to say. "MAN YOU MUST BE SO HAPPY AND LOVE LIFE!!! That's so cool.." She looked at him with her multi colored eyes and glared at him with anger. Then suddenly sighed deeply and sat back down and closed her left eye. She clenched her teeth and created a sharp blade in her left hand and rolled up her left arm sleeve....What they saw wasn't pretty... Her left hand up to her forearm was covered with cuts and scars. She cut her wrist instantly with the blade and the blood seeped out of her wound. They both panicked instantly, not expecting her to do that. She turned the blade into dust and looked at her wrist instantly heal up. They stop panicking and look at her change in attitude. She went to happy to instantly emotionaless and lifeless in her eye. "Happy?...love life? Huh...idk... even if I wanted to die. I can't!" She looked at them with a emotionless blank stare, with a dull and lifeless look in her eye. She put the mask over her left eye and stood up and walked over to the wall that had a picture of her family, brother, sister, mom and dad. And went back to her seat and reached out her hand and handed it over to Shota.

He grabbed it and saw that she was the only one with white hair and a eye patch over her left eye. The rest of the family had crimson red hair and normal brown eyes. How Hizashi saw this too and they both started getting questions go through their mind. "Yeah I know what you both are thinking..why am I the only white haired and multi colored eyed person in the picture..well I was born like that. My whole family didn't have quriks, I was the mutation of the family. I..I was born with all the weird colored eyes and hair, as well all my quriks. I was bullied all the time, my family loved me, but they were treated terrible because of me... There life became hell because of my birth. My brother and sister too, they are old..they were older than me." Her change of words made them look at her with a sad expression. "You..said..was.." Hizashi said hesitantly. Shota almost hit him for asking that. But then she said,"It's okay... we are friends now so i don't care.." She paused for a few seconds to collect herself. She sighs deeply. "One day we where going to a vacation for the summer and I was 7 years old. Then a car slid into ours and pushed us off the Cliff, we lived in the mountains in Scotland. And it freezes over a lot so we..they drive really careful around the corners. But the driver was drunk or something and slid into our car. I was in the middle of my brother and sister. Da was driving and mum was in the passenger seat. I didn't know I had multiple quirks at the time, just my creation quirk and night vision." Hizashi and Shota got on edge because they have a feeling where this is going...they both started holding each other's hands. "Time slowed down and I saw my life before my eyes, my family was screaming each other names. Their screams for help and fear mixed into one and that will always stick with me. That's what I hear when I close both of my eyes, right before I sleep. I blinked in that moment and when I opened them I was on the ground with a piece of the car impaled through my chest. I tried to speak but I puked up blood. Glass was all over my body, and face. When I tried to open my mouth but it felt numb. I looked around and saw the car a few feet from me and I saw bloodied corpses in there hanging from the seat belts. I tried to call out their names but only blood came out and no noise. I must of laid there for a while because my memory went black. And then next thing I know I can hear the ambulance and a few police cars. And muffled voices saying there is a survivor. I couldn't move or see through the bloody and Normal tears streaming down my face. I was in and out of consciousness, I remember seeing bright hospital lights and people trying to talk to me. But their voices sounded like I was underwater. I was drowning in my own blood, and sadness." She paused and prepared herself for the next part. The two guys were holding each other's hand and at that point they couldn't care less about pride..."I woke up in a hospital bed with intense bright lights shining in my eyes, I didn't have control over my quriks and my left eye started to bleed blood, and it felt like I was being stabbed. My mouth felt numb but not...my body ached, but I looked down and I was fully healed, I tried to speak but choked on my tounge. A nurse saw me awake and called in the doctor. They rushed in asking all sorts of questions, I didn't know the answers to. I'm just 7 like give me a Break...I tried to speak again,'Where is mum and Da?' They shook their heads telling me that they died,'what about bro and sis!' They told me they are dead too. I was crying hysterically blood and normal tears. I begged and pleaded with the doctor to tell them why I'm still alive and they aren't,'You were born with a healing quirk and they weren't.' Afterwards I went into a adoption home, but since I didn't look normal I was beaten, but didn't die because of my regeneration qurik. The abusive homes got bored with torturing me and threw me on the street like I was trash. I tried to kill myself so many times I can't count anymore. I tried everything, since I could create anything like a weapon I tried everything. Guns, gutting Myself, mutilation, canons, burning alive, frostbite, electricity...ect.." She looked at the ground in shame of her past. They looked at her with sadness and concern. "But then...when I turned 13ish I heard that their was a hero course school near where I temporarily lived, so went to the school for high school. I wasn't treated like a freak like at my old school. I got control over my 4 quriks and trained myself to keep my left eye shut. And how to trigger the Healing quirk by choice until I'm severely hurt, and then it will automatically heal me. My creation qurik could help duplicate support items, so I made aquatints with the support items kids but I just wanted to be a pro hero and not make friends. But of course that didn't last very long. But then they all died during hero work studies with the agency they were all working with..."

They looked at her with tears welling up in the corner of their eyes hearing this terrible story and what they have been through. Shota isn't emotionaless but he just doesn't show them often, but he does show them and he does feel emotions. It's just hard for him to show it or he decides to not show them.

She continued after keeping her composer,"I was there when it happened, but I did my best but it was no use, they all died infront of me, just like my family. I screamed out their names in desperation and with Bloody tears in my eyes. The villians got away after freezing me In place. I couldn't do anything to save them, so after that I refuse to join a agency ever again. And make close ties with others, other than business partners. But of course I broke my last promise over and over again. After I graduated and became a pro hero, I over time discovered that I could sing, write, play instruments, and much more. I put my pro hero career on hold and focused on my other things I could do. I still struggled with living all alone. The first paycheck I got I used it on my family's graves they never got when they died that day. And the rest of the money went to my ex..friends families as anonymous donation. I didn't care for the money and I still don't.." She said clenching her hand into a fist. "I just wanted to find something to fill the void in my heart...but nothing permanently filled it. Singing and Becoming famous was great I thought I wanted attention, maybe that would fill my heart but it just made me more empty... People only cared about my money or something in return. So I tried writing books on criminals when I was doing my underground pro hero job on the side. My books sold like it was candy, I got richer than most of the world but that didn't make me happy either... I only spent the money to help others and to eat when I needed to. And to replace my destroyed hero costume...I don't like showing my body, so when I did modeling it was just me in suits that covered up my whole body and just a little skin. I thought that would work but nope I'm still empty..." She squeezed her hands so tight that she started to bleed. "I know that nothing will truly make me happy, but it's not like I can die... So if im forced to stay in this hellish existance then I might as well make other people happy, when I can't be... When I'm a underground hero I can be myself and help others without getting anything, all I want is just a happy smile on their face. Them being happy is all I need, to keep me from hating myself for letting those I love die.. or I should say those I loved see die."

When she said these few sentences Shota and Hizashi started crying and bursting out into tears. Screw their pride, they can't resist the heartache that her story has caused them. She is so pure in so many ways. She thinks about helping others more than herself. She's a true hero in life and as pro hero it's self. She's in so much pain and she still didn't hesitate to save their lives twice in one day. They both got up and pulled her up into a big hug. She stiffened up not expecting to be hugged. But she hugged them back and didn't cry like them but just enjoyed the calming and warm embrace they held her in.... To be continued..

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