Volume 1 Chapter 4 Recgonized Again...And Being Targeted!!?

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Previously: She gets a seat at the bar and gets a Curry and rice. Her first time having curry I must point out. And this curry is very spicy, she gets a drink of water, since she is on the job in two hours. Then suddenly a very loud voice came from the entrance of the building. "Heyyyy what's up my listeners!!?" "Mic no one cares, or listens..ughh." She looked at the two men speaking and they glanced over at her staring directly at them....
She instantly looked away and tried to act like that just didn't happen. It was too late to play it off,"Heyyy you are a new face, I've never seen you before!?" He walked over to her and sat down next to her on a bar stool. He was waving his arms and hands as he spoke. "Mic just leave her alone will you..ugh.." The other man rolled his eyes annoyed and looked super tired. On the other hand the other man was very entergetic and loud. "No Eraser, we need to greet new fellow pro hero's!" She heard him say Eraser and then she realized that the other guy said Mic before. She instantly remembered that she saw them last night, and that she knows who they are. Not personally but yeah. She turned around in the swivel stool and faced the two pro's. "Are you two, Present Mic and Eraserhead?" She said hesitantly. "Omg are you a listener of mine?!" He smiled happily. "Yeah we are, who's asking." Eraser said bluntly and tiredly. "Um yes I am, but also I'm the pro hero known as Rogue." They tilt their heads not knowing who she is. She added while whispering,"My Artist Name is StarLight..." "STAR LIGHT OMG THAT'S....." She uncovers her left eye and stops his qurik instantly and put her hand over his mouth. Until he stopped making noise, she let go of him and sighed softly,"Sorry about that, I really don't want anyone to know my identity, at Least that one." Eraser sighed deeply,"Mic, I swear to God..." But then he looked at her covering up her left eye. He just barely saw her eye, it was changing multiple colors in a matter of seconds. She left the money for her food and started to leave the restaurant but then she gets touched in the shoulder from behind. "Hey, I'm sorry about that, I just got really excited. Can me and Eraser join you?" She nodded not saying anything. Eraserhead and Present Mic are now walking beside her on either side....

She stayed quiet not knowing what to say to the two hero's. "So Star.. Rogue.. Why are you doing working alone on patrol?" She stayed quiet for a few seconds and looked down for a second,"I don't have any friends...or anyone to trust to have my back." They both look at her with a little surprise. "But your famous.." Eraser said tiredly. "Yeah, well...that doesn't mean anything to me." They look at her confused. "What does that mean?" Mic Said curiously. "Well, I'm a underground hero by choice, I hate attention from the media it's a pain my ass. I hate it, I deal with it when I do my other stuff but being a hero without fame is great. And plus the media don't know I'm a pro hero, or at least don't really care that much." They both look at her with a shocked but curious look in their eyes. "So you hate the media?" Eraser said repeat what she said."Yes, I have multiple reasons... Um how about you two follow me up on the building rooftop." She ran up to the building and jumped while mid air she created a yo yo and swung it and threw wrapping it around a lamp post and swung upwards and let go of it and landed on the edge of the ledge perfectly with no hesitation and wobbling either. She snapped her fingers and the yo yo turned to dust. The two hero's looked at her do this flawlessly and just gasped in awe. Eraser didn't show it but he was definitely thinking it. Mic on the other hand,"What the.. that was Soo cool!" She looked down at them gestured to them to come up to her. Mic looked around for stairs or something to go up, he's not as mobile as Eraser and Rogue. She saw this and crafted a scarf/capture weapon that looked like Erasers but it was heavier like a chain. She swung it around and wrapped it around Mic's waist and pulled him up to him to the ledge like it was nothing. She snapped her fingers and the cloth that was wrapped around him just turns to dust. He gasps and starts to breathe heavily,"That was scary, you should of warned me!!"  Then Eraser landed right next to her on the roof and his scarf stopped floating and went back around his neck. "I wish I had that effect with my eye..damn." She said under her breath."Hm?" Eraser said tiredly, they both heard her mutter something but didn't hear it. "Sorry about that Mic, I should have." She said rubbing the back of her neck nervously. They both look at her,"So why are we up here?" "We were being followed by..." Then suddenly she gets impaled by a huge sword, but right before that happened she pushed them both out of the way by creating polls from her hands. She has a sword through her stomach....

She is coughing up blood and has fallen to her knees in excruciating pain. "Rouge!" Mic shouted in worry. "Why did you save me?" Eraser said upset written all over his face. She grabbed the hilt of the sword and pushed it through her body until it hit the ground behind her. "Because I can do this." She stood up and instantly Healed up like it never happened. They both look at her in relief but complete shock. Another sword was being thrown towards Eraser she dashed towards him and pushed him to the ground behind her and she got impaled yet again but in the chest near her heart this time. Then suddenly she hears a sniper rifle shoot, she creates a titanium sheild and throws it right in front of Mic right before he gets shot in the head by the bullet. She grabs her Mask and pulls it down to use her night vision and Rubber/Erasure qurik. Mic fell to the ground on his ass, in panic and shock that she just saved his life while still having a sword in her chest. "Eraser pull it out!" He grabbed the hilt and pulled out of her body, blood poured out all out on the ground in the process of removing it. Mic almost threw up seeing this happen. She coughed up more blood and then the hole in her chest and back started the heal up.

She looks intensely for where the weapons are being thrown from then she spots two villians shooting another weapons in the villians cannon qurik. She grabbed her new hero friends and ran off the rooftop and held them close to her chest tightly and mid air created a sheild around them but didn't have enough time for her to be sheilded by the fall off the building. They surrounded by a protective sheild so they won't die from the fall, but it's definitely going to hurt for her...she is falling backwards off a 20ft drop and is looking at them screaming for her to save herself. She couldn't hear them shouting because of the sound proof sheild around them. Even Eraser looked worried about her....*Bam*

*Real Time* She looked at the villians and then instantly grabbed them by the collar and ran and jumped off the building pulling them close to her chest and surrounding them in a sheild, a few seconds later they hit the ground and she becomes just lifeless body bleeding out. Then her qurik stops working and they get let out of their bubble sheild and then a huge explosion happened directly above them, where they were just standing. Rubble shoots off everywhere and the building they were just standing on collapsed like it was just a house of cards. She was twitching on the ground..they sheild her body from the cloud of dust and rubble hitting their backs. "Rouge...you saved us, but at what cost..." Mic said all sad. "I was so rude..to . her..I..I..was ..." Eraser stuttered as he stared at her limp lifeless body, with a puddle of blood seeping out if her. Then suddenly a voice came from behind them and laughed at her dying on the ground,"Finally she's out of the way, now we can kill you both easy!" Eraser used his qurik but the man had no qurik. Mic screamed using his quirk but the man had earplugs in. "Tch.." Mic said not knowing what to do. The man had a katana In his hand and he was smiling big with a sadistic look in his eyes. Then a bunch of villians jumped down around them and her lifeless body. They get in a defensive position back to back and get ready for a fight...

A few minutes later, they are worn out and are out numbered, they aren't going to last much longer. Then just before they both get stabbed in the chest while being up against the wall in a corner. Rouge came out of nowhere and screamed while taking the attack for them,"STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!" She got stabbed but multiple swords and weapons. They tried to kill them by going through her body but she grabbed the blades no matter how much blood came from her hands. She walked towards the villians while having blades go through her intestines and guts... She was bleeding heavily from her body but she refused to let them get near her friends. "Mic... Eraser get out of HERE!" They are both still in shock that she's alive right now. "No..We saw you die once..."(Eraser) "NOT AGAIN!" (Mic) They both ambush the villians as she held their weapons in place and knocked them all out eventually. She fell to her knees and her body started to get really weak. The weapons were still throughout her whole body. The pain was unimaginable. Eraser and Mic restrain them and then start pulling out the blades out if her body. She started to heal up instantly but that drains energy so both her eyes became heavy in weight every time she blinked. She tried to cover her left eye but her arms and hands were still Healing. She started to fall forward face first. Eraser slid on the ground and caught her just before she hit the rubble covered concrete. Her head was in his lap, He looked up at Mic and said,"After the police comes, we really need to take her home. We owe her our lives.." "I agree with you in that...I'm just still..in disbelief of what just happened.." "Same here.." "Eraser...we don't even know her name.." "Or where she lives.. Tch.."
The police arrive and so do a few pro's near by, Mic told them what happened and him and Eraser gave their statements and then headed home. With Eraser carrying her unconscious body in his arms.... To be continued...

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