Volume 1 Chapter 9 Busy Life Of The Famous!!

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Previously: They all just stood there and held her close, until she calmed down. A few hours later they got a drink and exchanged numbers. She finally has two friends who she can lean upon. She hopes in time it's the same for them. She said goodnight and they went back to their place. Today wasn't all bad at the end of the day, she gained two good friends. But unfortunately tomorrow it goes back to a busy schedule of book signings and a few interviews about her new album and books about profiling criminals. Then next week she has a concert in Japan, for her album...

She went to her book signings and by the end of it her hand hurt. Her eye hurt like hell too. She really needs to buy some eye drops like Shota. She pushed through the pain and went to the news place for a few interviews about her new releases music and books related. Her head was killing her but she pushed herself yet again. It lasted longer than she originally thought it would take. It took several hours longer. Afterwards she used a skateboard she created to ride home, she was way to worn out to walk anymore. She checked her phone at a corner of a sidewalk to see the time, 6:45pm. "Are you kidding me, and I haven't eaten yet...geeze I wish I could create food with my qurik." She was at Least an hour away from getting home so she decided to text her new friends and start a group chat.

Chat Started~
Isabella Clarke ~ Joined
Hizashi Yamada ~ Joined
Shota Aizawa ~ Joined

Isabella~"Hey guys I hope I didn't wake or interupt you.."

Shota~"Nah, we are just chilling at home, just got home from work...ugh."

Hizashi~"Sho here had a rough day at work...we are just watching TV.. where are you at?"

Isabella~"I'm on my way home on a skateboard. Aww and I bet you both are cuddling up too lol."

Shota~"A skateboard?.."

Hizashi~"Omg I love skateboarders, and Hell yeah we are..."

Shota~"Zashi what the hell!"

Hizashi~"But it's true...oh..then no we aren't."

Isabella~"Hizashi you and Shota are definitely a couple there is no doubt."


Hizashi~"No...no we aren't, anyways how long will it take for you to get home?"

Isabella~"You both can't tell me otherwise, and about an hour..at this point, there's a road block...ugh.. I have to take a detour."

Hizashi~"Be careful!"

Shota~"stay safe.."

Isabella~ Left

A few moments later a villan jumped out of nowhere and attacked her and managed to get a hit on her before she hit the ground by getting off balance on her skateboard. Her skateboard got picked up by a villan and he broke it on her face. She tried to get up but he pushed her down with his foot,"I know who you are MissStarLight!" "Shit.." She said under her breath. "I followed you hear and I've been waiting for this moment. No one is around this area." She speed dialed Shota Aizawa on her contacts just in time before he attacked her again. "You are going to suffer bitch! You are my true love...I love you.. Isabella.." He got closer to her face and breathed on her. Shota picked up the phone to her begging for help and mercy,"Stop..get off me!" "Shut up bitch...you are mine to use!" "Fuck off cunt!" She tried to use her qurik but then he stabbed her with a needle into her neck. She couldn't use her qurik..what was happening, nothing was working. She started to feel all numb, he pulled down his pants and started to choke her. "H-hhelp me.." He squeezed harder and then pulled down her pants in the process. He smiled like a psychopath with Evil intent in his eyes....

A few minutes before...
*Shota's and Hizashi's POV* He and Hizashi were chilling on the couch while watching TV. And cuddling up with each other just like she predicted. Then suddenly he gets a phone call from Isabella he picks up and hears something dreadful on the other side of the phone. Her voice is shaking and her whimpers are cutting into his heart. Then he hears her say,H-hhelp me.." Then she stops speaking all together. All there is a terrible sounds of whimpers and muffled screams. He looks at his "friend" Hizashi and with worry and fear in his eyes. "What's Wrong Sho?!" "She's in trouble, we have to go save her...she speed dialed me before...we have to go now." He said that and then rushed out the door after putting his combat boots on. He still had his costume on because he's lazy. Hizashi followed him and shut and locked the door.
They both rush to where she could be, since there was a road block, there is only one way she could have gone. They both run as fast as they could and then they see in the distance a disheveled and creepy man standing over a figure. He was covering her mouth as she trying to scream. And laughing at her while he's doing to do something to her. As they get closer her muffled screams pierce their hearts causing them to become enraged by a very protective feeling rushing over them....*

A few minutes before: it's been a while since her call to Shota and she is fully drugged up, she can't defend herself. And she can't move anymore, all she can do is screaming and whimpers like the prey she is to this villianous bastard. Her screams are being muffled by his dirty hand, he's so close to her face she can feel his breath on her skin, she can't feel anything but excruciating pain jolting throughout her whole body. She couldn't use her qurik, not even her healing quirk is working. So the drugs are probably something that stops quirks or makes someone incapacitated. But her body process drugs differently than normal people so it hasn't made her unconscious, but has made her unable to move and use her quriks...She can't see because of the tears streaming down her face and hitting the concrete she's laying down on. He's doing things to her, like cutting her body to make it bleed, and extra activities.... Then suddenly all the pain abruptly stops and she hears familiar voices call out her name. She can't speak properly because of the drugs messing with her body. Nor could she move. All she could do was cry and lay there in pain...

Few mins before:
*Shota's POV* Me and Zashi get closer to the two figures and see it's her our friend Isabella screaming and being tortured by a scum bag villian. She is bleeding from all over her body by a knife blade and he was doing things to her sexually...Me and Zashi instantly get a feeling a pure hatred and anger towards the villian doing this to our new friend. I activate my qurik and wrap him up in my scarf and pull him to me and knee him in the face. He coughed up blood I broke his teeth. He tried to struggle and I broke his arms by squeezing my scarf so tightly around his whole body. He screamed in agony and pain, begging for mercy. I just smile at his pain and squeeze harder until he passed out by the pain. I release my scarf and now me and Hizashi are crouching next to her laying in the ground crying and not healing up and just bleeding from all over. Her pulse is slow but stable, there is a few needles on the ground near her. She can't speak properly, she's trying to say something but it's coming out as muttering and mumbling nonsense. We are trying to calm her down with our voices but it's not working. I call the police and leave him tied up with my scarf/capture weapon against a light post and then I scooped her up and me and Zashi head back to our place to stop her bleeding. We arrive at the complex building and go up the stairs because we don't have any time to waste waiting for a elevator.
Hizashi opened the door and pushed off the stuff that was on the dinner table and I laid her down on it with a pillow behind her head. Hizashi got the med kit that was in the bathroom. I started to sow up her wounds. She groaned weakly everytime I stuck the needle through her skin. I flinched at the sounds she was making, it stabbed my heart and broke it a little each time. Hizashi poured the alcohol on the wounds afterwards to clean them up and we hand to put a towel in her mouth for safety reasons. She screamed in agony as it burned and bubbled up. Me and Zashi looked at each other with guilt and horrible heartache hearing her screams fill our place. The atmosphere of her pain and screams melded together in one, it broke our hearts in two seeing and witnessing this happen before our eyes. She eventually stopped screaming but damn it was the most painful thing to hear coming from a persons mouth.... To be continued..

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