Volume 1 Chapter 5 You Saved Us Without Hesitation!?

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Previously: A few minutes later, they are worn out and are out numbered, they aren't going to last much longer. Then just before they both get stabbed in the chest while being up against the wall in a corner. Rouge came out of nowhere and screamed while taking the attack for them,"STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!" She got stabbed by multiple swords and weapons. They tried to kill them by going through her body but she grabbed the blades no matter how much blood came from her hands. She walked towards the villians while having blades go through her intestines and guts... She was bleeding heavily from her body but she refused to let them get near her friends. "Mic... Eraser get out of HERE!" They are both still in shock that she's alive right now. "No! We saw you die once..."(Eraser) "NOT AGAIN!" (Mic) They both ambush the villians as she held their weapons in place and knocked them all out eventually. She fell to her knees and her body started to get really weak. The weapons were still throughout her whole body. The pain was unimaginable. Eraser and Mic restrain them and then start pulling out the blades out if her body. She started to heal up instantly but that drains energy so both her eyes became heavy in weight every time she blinked. She tried to cover her left eye but her arms and hands were still Healing. She started to fall forward face first. Eraser slid on the ground and caught her just before she hit the rubble covered concrete. Her head was in his lap, He looked up at Mic and said,"After the police comes, we really need to take her home. We owe her our lives.." "I agree with you in that...I'm just still..in disbelief of what just happened.." "Same here.." "Eraser...we don't even know her name.." "Or where she lives.. Tch.."
The police arrive and so do a few pro's near by, Mic told them what happened and him and Eraser gave their statements and then headed home. With Eraser carrying her unconscious body in his arms....

They arrive at their place, yes they share a apartment together. She is fully healed but her outfit is beat up and has holes all over it. She's basically naked at this point. They both cover her up with a blanket on the couch. They got her phone and opened it up, it didn't have a lock on it, how strange. They did so to call a next to kin or family member to pick her up. But then as Eraser was scrolling through her phone he said,"Tch..how is this possible.." Mic walked over to his friend,"What's Wrong?" Eraser showed him the screen. "What! She has no contacts? Except for the police number and a detective on the police force.??" "I know, it's unreal..what do we do now?" "I have no idea...man when she said she had no friends she wasn't lying." Mic looked at her with a small tear go down his face. Eraser sighed softly,"Didn't you hear her, when she jumped in to save us the second time." He stared into his friends eyes and smirked a little."What?" "She called us her friends.." "Did she I was kinda out of it..." Mic said saddened. "Mic...she saved our lives, we at least owe her our friendship.." He said trying not to smile. "Awww you just smiled about someone other than me!" "Shut up...no I didn't..ptff." "Hehe sure you didn't.." (I'm referring to them as Mic and Eraser because that's what she knows them as, vise versa.)

Then a few minutes later after they went back and forth arguing with how he showed emotions about a stranger/new friend. She groaned weakly and tried to sit up. "Ugh..my whole body hurts..wh-here am I?" Mic and Eraser walk over to the couch,"Hey Rouge!" "Hi.." She looked up at them and touched her mouth and was relieved that her mask was over her face,"We put your mask back over your eye. It looked like you liked it that way." She nodded at them. She looked down at her body being shown because of her shirt and outfit being destroyed. She felt her face heat up in embarrassment. She tried to get up on her feet but stumbled backwards towards the ground. Eraser used his scarf and caught her and pulled her towards his chest. She groaned weakly in pain. "Th-hank Y-You.." Mic looked at his friend and his eyebrows raised and he grinned. Eraser glared at him, because he had a feeling what he was thinking. She was still being held up by Eraser holding her close to his chest. She pushed herself back off if him and grabbed his shirt to balance. Then she let go of it to stand up by herself. "Eraser... Mic... I really appreciate you helping me." They look at her with gentle and soft shine in their eyes. "No worries that's what friends are for..." Eraser said tiredly but smirking slightly. "Like what Sho said!" She started to cry blood from her left eye and Normal tears from her right. She removed her Mask from her left eye to wipe the blood away. "I'm glad you both, heard what I said...I'm happy you both return the feelings.." *sniffling* They Both stared into her multi colored eyes, especially the left one changing into multiple colors every second that goes by. She wiped her Bloody tears and calms down. She looks up to see them staring directly at her in the eyes..she instantly covered up her left eye, thinking that they thought badly of her..."I'm sorry for, showing you my..eye..I hope you don't think I'm a freak or something.." She said sniffling. They look at her confused..."What are you kidding.." Mic said frowning. "They are so interesting..to look at." Eraser said tiredly but with a small grin. She smiled underneath her mask,"Oh..that's a first time I've ever heard that before." "Really?" They both said in unison suprised.
"Yeah well, I got flack for having multi colored eyes in Scotland so I'm so used to keeping it covered up." "Scotland? So that's what your accent is.." Mic Said curiously. "Scottish huh.." Eraser said tiredly.
"Yeah, well I hope I don't butcher your names and things in your culture with my terrible accent." "It's not terrible..it's cool!" "It's is very different than ours." "Oh right..I don't know your names, but Eraser and Mic.." "We don't know yours either.." Eraser said tiredly. "Well isn't this a predicament.." Then she shivered and then realized that she was almost naked.."Ahhhh! I need to change my clothes!" She covered up her chest area in embarrassment. "But we don't know where you live to get you some clothes." Mic said concerned. She looked at Eraser confused.."Oh..do you not remember.. Eraser I'm the one who helped you with your door. The other night.." His face went to tired to tired and shocked. "That was you?..." "I live next door.." she said laughing nervously underneath her mask. "Wow...tch..I'm sorry.." he said the last part under his breath.
"WE ARE NEIGHBORS!!!" Mic shouted with excitement smiling big. "Can you guys please help me get to my door and room, I'm still a little unstable." "Sure..thing." (Eraser) "on our way there we can introduce ourselves properly." Mic said smiling.

They helped her walk to to her place and get to her room in her apartment. They looked around as she got dressed into a different colored but the same costume. Instead of black she got dark blue. She pulled the mask off her left eye and put her black and red goggles on instead to be able to see in both eyes. Her mouth is covered up still by the mask though. Black steel toed combat boots with straps and multiple laces. Leg braces like she has on her wrists and Arms. Her hair is white and parted over to the left like normal. Black vest over her chest, for protection and for inventory space. She opened her door and saw them memorized by how many trophies and medals she had on her walls. As well as how many more boxes she has yet opened/touched. "Hey I'm back, how about you guys sit down and we can properly introduce ourselves." They look at her being a different color but the same outfit and she has the same type of goggles that Eraser has around his neck, but they are a different color. They both took a seat on her big ass couch in the middle of the room. She sat down in the chair sitting across from them.... To be continued

Being Famous In A World Of Hero's And Villians Volume 1 (Oc X MHA) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora