Secrets Kept

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(Wow, votes are dropping bad. Is there something i'm doing wrong, is the story getting boring?)

3rd person pov

Y/N: Where are we going?

Mercury: Well, there's this ball or prom or whatever, and we gotta get suits

Y/N: Will everyone wear suits?

Mercury: I mean, the guys, sure. Maybe some girls would... not Emerald though, so don't ask

Nodding slightly the two went to the tailors and Y/N looked around, hearing a sewing machine running in the back. Someone came up up them so Mercury turned his gaze to them.

Tailor: How can i help you two?

Mercury: We need suits, nothing fancy. I'll take something with a grey finish, what about you?

Y/N: Huh?

Mercury: He's just take a normal black one with a white top

Tailor: Ah, excellent. I'll need to take your measurements, so please step up

Getting onto a small step up but with mirrors in front of him Mercury began to have his measurements taken while Y/N looked around curiously, occasionally feeling a few fabrics.

While this was going on, in the female side of the store Team Rwby sat there while the W of the team practically chewed the ear off the tailor, telling her exactly how she wanted her dress.

Yang: So... how'd it feel to be fused?

Ruby: It's kinda hard to explain. What i remember is i was able to remember some of Blake's memories

Blake: It wasn't like sharing a body, more becoming one person... you'll have to try it yourself

Yang: No chance with that. It's just too hard to get all the little movements down, plus Weiss is too embarrassed and Pyrrha is with her own team

Ruby: I felt really strong though, like, strong enough to take you on

This caused Yang to scoff and roll her eyes while Weiss looked over and hummed in thought, wondering what kinds of dresses she should make them wear. After all, she can't have her teammates looking like a mess.

Back on the otherside Y/N kept squirming as the Tailor attempted to get his measurements. Attempting to measure his waist Y/N grabbed it with his tail and flicked it away.

This caused the Tailor the growl in frustration and go to where Y/N threw it while Mercury came over, trying to think up a way of convincing the teen to stay still for a moment.

Mercury: Look, the sooner we get this done, he quicker it'll go... if you do this, i'll show you some good food you haven't had before

Y/N: ...Okay

Something was tossed over the wall divider so Ruby came over to grab it, seeing both the males which made her smile nervously, recognizing Y/N from the other day while Mercury was new to her.

Ruby: Oh, hey. You're the guy who fought Sun, right?

Y/N ...I-

Mercury: You'll have to excuse him, he's not much of a talker

Ruby: That's alright. I have a teammate who was a total loner, barely spoke to even us... Kinda sad, y'know

Blake: I heard that!

Ruby: Anyway, that's my que, bye!

She dashed off to the otherside, leaving Y/N slightly confused but the Tailor came back, managing to measure the teen. Mercury went through his scroll and got an order from Cinder which made him sigh quietly.

Wrathful Yet Pure: RWBY x Male Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now