Chapter 17

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The sunlight broke early across the trees' top the following morning. Merlin and Arthur lay, together, joined only by their hands, in their sleep, in the hot summer nights. Merlin's eyelids fluttered open and he groaned at the dawning of the day. Pulling himself to his feet, he shook Arhtur awake before plucking a juicy ripe apple on the tree and taking a crunching bite. Apple juice ran in a small trickle down his chin as the paid joined the reste of their small group and the already saddled horses.

"If we ride hard all day we'll be at Northumberland before nightfull." Elyan explained. An approving murmuer was heard; the whole group looked forward to the prospect of comfortable beds and days off horseback. For what they hopped wold be the final day, they set off on horseback.

They saw the the castle - well more of a fortress it was so huge - far in the distance before they even got close, at it had been built strategically on asmall hill in the rolling feilds in the north of Albion, which gave it a clear view for miles around, to help protect it from attacking armies. The walls were thick stone and surrounded the castle compleyely so it could be sealed off if it was attacked. The town around the castle was large but not very.

The closer they got the More Arthur felt his nerves building up. He felt like he couldn't breathe and his heart wa hammering in his ears.

"Arthur?" He jusmpt at Merlin's soft voice next to him and looked at the dark ahired warlock with panic in his eyes.

"I Can't do this Merlin!" He said quietly. Merlin looked at him softly and held his hand over his saddle.

"Yes you can. You've practiced your manners, you know what you want, all we can do is ask him for help. He'll either say yes or no" the raven haired-man reassured him. Artuhr pulled an uncertain face.

"And I'll be with you the whole time" Merlin added with a smile, and Arthur felt th feeling of security in his lovers presence enrobe him lie a terrycloth dressing gown. Arthur nodded, feeling more secur now that he was reminded of MErlin support.

"Right" He announced. "lets go" and giddied his horse from her walking pace into a brisk trot. The caslte seems to grow before them as they approached, looming over the landscape and full of potential. They stlowed as they approached the gate, and stopped as a guard emerged.

"Halt! What brings you to Northumbria ravellers" Called the guard. Merlin and Arthur exchanged a loot and Arthur trotted forwards on his horse a little bit so he was in front.

"We seek an audience with your king" He called back. The guard laughed.

"On what grounds?" He quizzed, and Arthur squared his shoulders, he could feel Merlin's comforting presence behind him.

"I am Arthur Pendragon." The guart paused and blinked, then scurried into the guard room leaving them along. Arthur looked at MErlin uncertainly but he just nodded and offered him a reassuring smile. 'you've got this' it seemed to say. With a scuffle that guard came back out, accompanied with two more guards.

"Rightt his way sire." He said and opened the gates of the fortress wide. Arthur and Merlin and Lancelot and Gwen and Will and Gwaine and Elyn all rode in, thwo remaining guards bowing low to Arthur, which made him feel quite uncomfortable as he wasn't used to such treatment. They followed the guard to a courtyard, where stableboys rushed out to take their horses from them.

"Our stables will take care of your horses, my Lord. If you will come with me to the throne room, the King awaits your presence" The guard blinking at him owlishly. Arthur nodded, trying to look as regal as he could in three days of travelling dirt, and followed, the rest of his compainis close behind.

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