The Annoying Hylian

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A week passed. Then a year. Then a century. (Okay, maybe not that long, but whatever...) Time seemed to pass very fast until a very strange Hylian came. He wore a blue tunic, with common Hylian trousers that I see too often. He carried a strange sword that seemed... Rare. I roared as usual. Who cares? I thumped my weapon on the ground, sending a massive blast. It should have been fatal, but the Hylian was quick. He parried, leaving me stunned for a moment. But just a MOMENT. And so, I ended him with a mighty blow. 

The strangest thing happened next. Bubbles floated around him, and before I could grab him and roast him by the fire, he jumped and hit me. Jeez. It felt like someone just poked me. I jumped back, blowing fireballs at him. He parried every single one until I got so annoyed I swang my Crusher around until it hit him. Boom. Dead meat. But before I could roar to victory, some pink sparkly thing came out of his pouch and healed him.

'What a waste of time.' I thought, smashing my Crusher wildly again. I hit him, he healed, he hit me, I healed. It was irritating. So I placed my Crusher away and ignored him. The Hylian did the same, except he started staring at me in wonder. And then he spoke.

"Why are you not fighting me?"  He said. To me, I didn't know what he meant. So I started shooing him away. 

<Go away. You are too bothersome. Fight something else, my life is none of your business.> 

Obviously the Hylian didn't know anything. Because I was speaking my Lynel language. He stared at me in wonder again, and responded in his alien language: "You can speak a language?" 

<Shut up, whatever you are saying. I don't care.> I responded impatiently.

The annoying Hylian took out a strange device that was hanging on his hips (I didn't realize) and started using it.  I roared for no apparent reason, and with a quick move the Hylian threw a pill in my mouth. It tasted bitter, and I suddenly fainted.

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