In Search for Link (Part 4)

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I waited. 

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

It was getting boring, my life, Lucas, and the Divine Beast. I was about to go back into our camp when I saw him- The Hylian, gliding swiftly down the giant bird. 

<Lucas! Follow me!> Lucas jumped into life while I begin to gallop. He landed on a snowy mountain and headed to Flight Range. No doubt he went to check on Teba.

<So... He's there! What do we do? Spy on him?> Lucas whispered. 

<No. We talk to him.>

I gracefully transferred my gallop into a trot and Lucas carefully slowed down a little.

<Hmph. Talk to him? That's silly.> Lucas said.

<You just wait and see.>

I went towards Flight Range and then started to shout.


He turned with a shocked expression.



It was hard for me to hear him in the blowing snowstorm, so I heard: "SORRY ESCAPED!"


<Pah. See, that Hylian can't understand you!> Lucas said.

<No! He can. Let's go inside.>

And so we went. Link was still uneasy, but it didn't matter. What mattered was what I was about to say.

<I propose that we team-up. I no longer serve Ganon anymore. What good did serving him give me? So, I decided to help you.>

<What? Am I hearing things correctly? You are going to HELP him?!> Lucas shrieked.

<Yes. And you will serve him as well, right?> I replied, staring intently into the Gold Lizalflos's eyes.

<Of course. But shouldn't he repay us?> 

<Correct. Want I want you to do is to make sure you NEVER attack Lynels anymore. Understand? But also, you will not attack Lucas's camp. Understand?> I asked, looking at Link now.

"Um... Okay. But... Uh. Fine."

"Link! Are you sure you trust these... monsters? You know how cunning they are..." Teba said quietly.

"Well. I'll keep an eye on them. But no worries, I believe this Lynel." Link replied, not so quietly.

<So what do we do?> I asked hopefully.

"We head towards Hyrule Castle." 

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