Diner Drama 2

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Hey y'all!!!

Remember that cliff hanger I left y'all in, well... Now let's find out what happened.

I hope u enjoy.
Love y'all

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Sometimes I honesty believe that I should take a break from listening to my head, and just start listening to my heart.

I've tried listening to both of them at the same time but my brain just seems to be too overpowering. It acts like a man who is in a relationship were he thinks he is more superior and filled with so much masculinity that the female -my heart- never has a say.

I'm going to take a stand and follow what my heart is telling me, and if I'm listening correctly, my heart is telling me that I should not cut D'andre off.

I really like him, and I'm pretty sure he feels the same.

That's why I'm going to do what I'm going to do.

I'm finally going to-

"OH MY GOSH LOOK!!!!!!!" Valeria scram. Interrupting our conversation and my thoughts

"Why you screaming all the damn time. Can't you just talk like a normal person." Kiana spat, annoyed at the fact that Val frightened her.

"Isn't that Tissue, I mean Tess?" She said, squinting her eyes to get a better view. I guess.

We all gazed towards the direction in which Valeria was starring, and tried to get a glimpse of what she saw.

At first I thought she was just fooling around, but she was actually right. Tess was really in the diner.

With some jet black haired guy.

"That is Tess." I said in realisation. I was still a little sceptical about the guy, but I think it's best if I don't make any crazy assumptions and accusations. What if it's just her friend, or relative.

"Who in the hell is Tess." Kianah interjected.

"Yeah. Are we supposed to hate her or something?" Aniyah added.

"Yes we hate her." Valeria interpolated in an aggressive manner, making me turn my head in shock.

"She's Jackson's girlfriend, an she's cheating on him with two guys. First it was the blonde one. Now the black haired dude. Who knows, maybe she has more dudes hiding in plain sight."

"Woah, what?!" I asked in great disbelief. Not that I didn't believe Val, she wouldn't lie about such a thing. I just couldn't believe Tess was cheating.

Well... Actually. I've once thought about that possibility, but it's still kinda shocking.

"Ouuu, so did we just catch her in action." Kiana said with a dirty/devious smile growing on her face. "Were my phone at."

"I don't like her already." Aniyah expressed while rolling her eyes.

This information was all new to me. I was so confused, but I also didn't want to jump to conclusions. So I asked Valeria for more information on this cheating situation. She explained everything from the bracelet to her looking so dumb at the party, till right now.

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