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I woke up in a warm bed the cover drawn up to my chin. My head felt as if it would split itself into two. I hadn't been out partying had I last night?

I pulled the doublet closer to me not wanting to let go of the warmth it provided. It was fluffy as well. Right now, any moment I would need to get up to go to school. School. Omg I was so late. I literally jumped out of the bed when I realized nothing was like it was supposed to be in my room. I knew there was no coffee table in my room and there was no armchair and there was certainly no hot guy in the armchair in question in my room. Looking into his blue eyes I was reminded of the past day's events and I immediately collapsed back into the bed. I realized he was the angel who I had summoned but I really had no idea whether he would help me or not. My parents were gone. My sister was gone. And Alex was gone. Alex who had nothing to do with this mess. Alex who had such a bright future. I broke into heavy sobs. Everything I knew had gone and I have been thrust into this world, a world that I didn't knew about where apparently angels and demons and everything in between were present.

I heard footsteps and suddenly the door slammed shut. Now he was gone too. What was his name? Micah? Yes. He was gone as well.

I didn't have an idea of how long was I on the bed crying. But heard the door open and bang shut I didn't even bother to check to see who was it. It could be a murderer or a thief or another demon. I just didn't care, I was too deeply immersed in grief.

Suddenly I heard someone drop a bag of plastic drop near my head. Wearily I lifted my head up. Micah was standing near me and he was wearing a grey suit. He looked me in the eye and said "Eat." Gesturing towards the bag. I slowly lifted myself from the bed and pulled the plastic bag in my lap.

I had no idea what was in it. I sniffled as I opened it and I was quite shocked by the contents of the bag. There was a tub of Ben and Jerry's chocolate ice-cream, a mars bar and a burger and fries.

"What the heck?" I said looking at Micah.

He ran his hand through his blond hair.

"I thought girls liked to eat comfort food in times of emotional upheaval." He said sounding a bit unsure of himself.

That was unexpectedly nice of him.

"Thank you." I said, sniffling a little.

I didn't expect him to go and get me comfort food. I expected him to run as soon as I had woken up. Maybe had stayed out of kindness. I started off with the ice cream which was mango flavoured. It could be any worse cause I alternated between sobbing and eating a large scope of ice-cream. I couldn't think of anything other than how I didn't have a single person in my life who I could connect with on a heart to heart level.

After I was done with the ice-cream I collapsed back in the bed. It was soft and warm and honestly, I felt that it would be better just to lie there and do nothing at all. As I was lying there on the bed under the covers I could hear a creak and footsteps coming near me. The bed sank near me.

"Listen we need to get going soon. Okay, there are demons behind us and we need to get going and I can't do much without your permission so tell me what to do."

I didn't want to do anything I didn't want anybody to disturb me as I wasted away in this bed.




"I don't think this is what you actually want to do......"

" I said go. I don't care where you go just go." I got up screaming at him.

Micah just glared at me and then got up and stomped out, banging the door shut. Finally I was left in peace.

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