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I woke up with a splitting headache. I didn't remember anything except that I was driving and then everything just went black. The sun was shining in my eyes. I looked around, I was in the back seat of my car.

I struggled to get up, fighting the fatigue.

Micah turned towards me, a look of concern on his face. I struggled to get up.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Halfway through Kansas" he replied. I nodded my head.

"And who changed the music station?" I asked. somebody had set the station to the oldies broadcast, you know Bach, and what I suspected to be Mozart.

"Umm, I did." Micah replied.

"Change it."

"But it's good." He protested.

"Owner picks the music, driver drives."

"Fine" he said, changing it to the rock station.

The lovely tone of Freddie Mercury floated out singing 'Don't stop me now.'

I smiled and snuggled into the warm doublet which had been heated up by the sun.

"You know, he's still singing in heaven." Micah said.

I shot back up.

"Wait, you know Freddie Mercury?"

"I do. One of the most interesting souls I've meet in a long while."

I stared at him.

"It must be fun to be an angel." I said, still in awe of the fact that he knew Freddie Mercury.

"Yes, it is. But some days, I believe it was better to be a human." He replied, his brows furrowed up as if was in a deep thought process.

I nodded my head.

"Do you want to stop?" Micah asked. "There's a town coming up. We can have lunch."

"Yes, that would be good." I replied.

I was hungry. And I needed to talk about last night as well. I felt tired and my muscles felt that they were mostly filled with jelly. I laid back down and looked out of the window. I could see the trees thinning out and buildings started appearing.

Garry's fish bait.

Mary's salon.

Larry's departmental store.

It was another small town, the economy depended entirely on the people locally, and most probably we would stick out like sore thumbs but then we Americans were not known for a high IQ so we would be fine.

Micah pulled up in the parking lot of the dinner. The dinner was named Clarence's cheesy bites. The name itself was so tacky. I got up and scooted to the car door. Micah opened the door before I could. He tried to bundle me out of the car, but I tried to get out on my own.

"Diana." He said.

"What? God gave me two feet to walk with, not to look good in shorts." I replied.

"Fine." He said giving up. He backed a little away. Still wary. I got out of the car. My legs were weak but I could stand. I took a step but I nearly collapsed. Micah grabbed my arm, to steady me.

"Women." He muttered. He did shut up when I elbowed him in the ribs. Slowly we walked up to the glass door, like a group of soldiers on a slow march. Before Micah could reach for the door. It was pulled open by a lady who had to be in her late Fifties. She had sandy hair and blue eyes that reminded me of the deepest blue seas. She smiled at us, her lips covered in red lipstick.

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