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Diana laughing her heart out was the best thing, I had ever seen. She looked happy and calm. Her eyes sparkled. She was the most beautiful thing I had seen in my life.

Linda meanwhile arrived with the food.

"Oh, look at you." She said," That remedy fixes everybody."

"Oh, yes it does, doesn't it Micah?" she looked at me and burst into laughter. Linda walked away. The dinner was filling up. The lunch crowd walking in.

"There... there's ..." Diana said in-between giggles. She grabbed a tissue paper and leaned closer.

"There's something on your lips." She said. She dabbed at my upper lip leaning forward.

"So many centuries old and still likes to have froth moustaches." She giggled.

Great, this is just what I needed. A froth moustache. Diana meanwhile settled back in and started to eat.

I kept watch. There was no difference between this town and the last one we passed. The same life times, the same experiences. Life didn't have much options. Most of these people never endeavoured to leave where they were. Little did they know that fate is not written down. It's a series of choices. Make the right one, the one which you feel to be your true calling and the magic would happen.

We were half way through Kansas. We had made good time. And Azrael had not caught up to us. But it would be a matter of time before he did. And then it would be difficult to get away because he was already angry at being bet once by us.

And the plan of these demons to free Satan, had to be foiled, otherwise the apocalypse would begin. And only one person knew the location of the place, deep in hell, where the ritual had to conducted. I hoped that it would never reach the that level. I wasn't scared, but I was unsure. And never have I been so unsure. We knew what was going on at any given point of time, yet we never knew of the mass possession that took place at Rochester street. Diana's sister should have never been kidnaped.

I looked at Diana, she was eating her fries, looking around the dinner. The glass of coke was half empty. She looked at me.

"You know, what I need. A warm shower, all my bones are aching. And I feel sweaty."

I nodded my head, as she continued to eat her burger. The trip to Maine would take three more days. So, by Tuesday we should be there, if there were any hitches then we would be later. But I was sure we could evade Azrael and his counterparts easily.

Linda meanwhile cleared the plates away. Both of us got up to leave. I placed the amount mentioned in the bill. Linda smiled at us as we walked out. I stayed close to Diana. She still didn't accept my help. She was weak but she didn't let it get in her way. Even if it meant stumbling every second step she took. I walked beside her, trying to discreetly help her. Somehow, we managed to get to the car.

She got in and slid over. She was in no state to drive and I was happy that I didn't have to argue with her on that topic. She slid down the seat, keeping her head back.

"Hmm.... That was the best burger I had in my life." She said, her eyes closed and a smile on her face.

I started the engine, and pulled out of the lot. Diana laid back down on the seat. I drove along the town main road and soon we were back on our way out of the town.

"How do you know where do we have to go?"

"The map's in the dash board."

She hummed and reached for the map.

"So, we were at?"


We kept driving on. We couldn't afford to stay on the same place for long. There could be other demons looking for us.

"So halfway through Colorado. We can get to Maine by the day after tomorrow. Great. It's time we made headway on this rescue." Diana said, leaning back to grab the blanket on the backseat. She wrapped herself up and went back to sleep.



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