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I caught Hold of Diana's fist before it connected with my face. It wasn't surprising she would lash out in her conditions. She bared her teeth at me.

"Diana, stop." I knew this would have no effect on her. She was possessed after all.

"Oh, you think you're an angel so you can stop me?" she said swinging her fist at me. I caught hold of that one as well.

"But I have been in this body longer." She said. Kicking me in the chest. I was flung against the door, head crashing against the window frame.

Diana or more accurately the demon opened the door and ran, straight, into the woods outside. I pulled myself out of the car and ran after her. But she was nowhere to be seen. The forest was quiet. Too quiet nothing moved as if it was afraid that it would turn to dead would if it would move. I walked around. I could hear everything. Heartbeats of every single creature in a ten-mile radius of the forest had fastened up. I moved as slowly as I could. The pine and juniper leaves crunched under my feet.

I felt something move in the bushes beside me. They shook and two red gleaming eyes appeared in the midst of the leaves. I reached out. Trying to know if it was a demon or not a human. It turned out to be neither. Out of the bushes a Mountain lion sprang out. Its left forehead had fresh scratches. The size of a human hand. It growled and stalked towards me. it sat down on its haunches and thumped it tail. It wanted to show me something. Maybe it could even lead me to Diana.

I walked up to the mountain lion. It got up and bounded into the woods, and I followed it. It ran up the slope, dodging pine trees and bushes. It jumped over a stream and then it turned around a rock. And then it came to a stop. The hackles on his back went up and it growled. I walked up and pushed past the thorny bushes. On the other side, there was small cliff. I could hear the water flowing. It was about 11 meters high, not too much. There on the very edge stood Diana. Her tips of her hands were stained red. She turned around, her eyes an unnatural shade of red. It gleamed in the darkness.

The demon smiled, showing off her teeth. "Nice to see you." She said," Now you're going to be next." She said jumping at me.

But I was prepared. Both of us tumbled down. The demon straddled my waist.

"Say goodnight." She said raising Diana's knife. But I had help. The mountain lion jumped on her, knocking the knife out of her hands. The demon grunted and then flicked her hand, shoving the lion off her. Her forehead was bruised. But she didn't even look phased. She just got up dusting her jacket.

"Stupid lion, should have killed it when I ran into it."

The lion growled. Apparently even the lion was not happy with this. It growled again.

"Get out of Diana."

"Nope. It was interesting to be in her body. I've been in here so long. For thirteen years, I was in this body. Steadily eating away her mind, and filling it with anger so I could gain control. But whatever I tried she never reached her breaking point, always, always she restrained herself. But now I'm free. And I have this perfectly fine body, to do whatever I want to do. Maybe I can even take this body to Azrael. He needs her soul. Better for both of us. He gets the soul and I have full control." Her face convulsed, muscles twitching. "because she always fights. Damn it. It's too much of work."

Thirteen years. That was a long time for demonic possession. Diana wouldn't be the same again. I had to get this demon out of Diana. But this was a kind of demon that was very dangerous-myaló trógon. These demons couldn't be exorcised, they came and went just as they wanted to. It made getting rid of them completely difficult. They needed to be coerced to leave the body, if you what I mean. And their methods of possessions were even worse.

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