chapter 1:-

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My house seemed strangely quite as I pulled up to it.

"Woah is it just me or the entire neighbourhood seemed creepy" Alex whispered in my ear.

"Stop freaking us out" my sister replied hitting him.

"OUCH, injured player here." Alex said rubbing his arm.

Well Alex was right. The neighbourhood seemed creepy. No one was outside and there were no families cooking or barbequing or teens going out for parties. Even creepy Miss. Dallas was missing. And Miss. Dallas loved to complain and for that she would sit up on the porch and collect notes who was doing what just to complain to their parents later.

I walked up to the door of my house. I tried to shake off the feeling but I could not. It was just too much of that heavy silence and oppressive atmosphere. And moreover, mom and dad were quiet. There would be news running on the tv while mom cooked dinner. Home was never quiet.

The hallway seemed fine.

"Come on guys." I said as I walked in. I went towards the den when the door opened and Mr. Callahan walked out.

"Ohhh kids. This is gonna be so much more fun" he said giving us a sinister smile. Mr. Callahan lived on the corner of the street. He had moved in a couple of weeks ago and I certainly don't remember that he was invited to our house.

"Come on" he said pulling out a knife gesturing towards the den. Sam gasped and Alex stood still. I glared at Mr. Callahan. I could feel my temper rising. This guy was gonna get it from me. And was gonna get it bad.

All of us made our way to the den inside the den there were more of our neighbours. But sitting at my dad's chair was none other than nasty old Mrs. Dallas.

"Got rid of the bodies as you said boss." Mr. Callahan said.

"Bodies! What bodies? Whose bodies? "Alex asked.

A chill went down my spine. Questions flooded my mind." Whose bodies?", "Where were mom and dad?".

"Ohhh nobody important just your mom and dad's." old Mrs. Dallas said smilling at us.

If I was angry before this was an understatement. Sam started crying and Alex tried to soothe her. Meanwhile I jumped at old Mrs. Callahan. I really wanted to strangle that woman. But all didn't go as planned she flicked her hand and suddenly I was thrown in the air and collided against the old table in the den. It collapsed under my weight and I was lying on a pile of splinters. My ear hurt and I could hear my sister scream. I turned myself over. I couldn't get up even if I wanted to. I had just know noticed a knife. It was hidden under the table and know it was lying near the broken leg of the table.

It was a weird one the handle itself was topped with a strange grotesque statue and it had red jewels. I remember seeing the knife when I was a kid but dad had snatched it out of my hands.

"Grab the youngest one. She'll be the perfect person to channel it. Get rid of the rest of them."

First my parents now my sister these people had no desire to live. I was roughly picked up by Mr. Callahan while Alex tried to punch Carol in her face as she tried to pull my sister away from Alex's side. I noticed that the knife was back in my hands and stabbed the nearest person who from the anguished scream turned out to be Mr. Callahan. He dropped me and collapsed into a pile of ashes. This new event caused havoc in the room. Everyone moved away.

"Anybody else interested to disintegrate into ashes" I said as I made my way to Sam and Alex. It was then the horror of the events had begun to seep in I had stabbed a man and he turned into ashes. PERCY JACKSON MUCH?

"How the heck did he turn into ashes?" Alex asked.


"Well you should." Sam said.

"Run for your lives!" Old Mrs. Dallas yelled.

And we did there was no arguing with the logic and reasoning of that old woman and I did not want to stop and argue with her even though I did want to stab her in the face.

We did the best we could because Alex was injured but we made our way to my room which was on the ground floor. I shoved my knife into my back pocket. We all scrambled in and I shut the door Alex tried to push my dresser against the door and I helped him because he was weaker. Sam had collapsed against my bed and was sobbing. We almost had the dresser pushed up against the door that suddenly something pushed all of us back. Alex fell on the ground and the dresser fell on top of him effectively trapping him. While I fell against the bed frame banging my head. I was having a bad headache and could not think of anything much. I tried to stand up but I could not it was too difficult to do so.

Meanwhile two people had grabbed Sam and started to pull her out of the door. Alex was also out and groaning. I somehow stumbled over to Alex and tried to pull him out. But the dam dresser was made of oak and was quite heavy.

"Get someone" Alex muttered and fainted.

"Ya that could be done. "I muttered. And I also had to save Sam at the same time. I stepped into the hallway. I could see carol who was dragging my sister who in turn had grabbed a vase and smashed it over her head. But carol continued her path.

"Really! What the heck do you drink for breakfast? Concrete? "Sam yelled.

I took a deep breathe, my head hurt my back hurt everything hurt but I threw the knife. And cheers for it struck Carol and now she turned into a pile of ashes. Sam screamed and pulled away.

"EWWWW.... I have evil Carol's ashes on me." She shrieked.

I did wonder where the police were when an idea struck me. We could go the police station and call the police. I didn't know where my phone was and the landline in our house didn't work so not much of an option was there. Alex would be safe because once we called the police then they would arrest evil Mrs. Dallas and our weird neighbours.

"Come on "Sam whispered. She must have recognized that I was having a headache.

"Police. We need to call them." I whispered. I didn't have much strength left but we could make it to the police station.

We made our way to my car. I sat in the driver' seat.

"Do you think I should drive? "Sam asked. Before I could answer the windows on Sam's side was pulled down and old Mrs. Dallas peered in. if you think she looked bad from far. She looked worse close. She had several rotting teeth and a stench of death wafted in. Sam screamed and for no reason at all I screamed back. Creepy Mrs. Dallas pulled the door open. And suddenly the invisible force was back. I grabbed on to Sam's jacket sleeve and tried to pull her back in. who had gone and gifted Mrs. Dallas with the force coz she was now evil.

"Is this the police?"

God damn it she called the police. Wait why did she call the police?

"Yes, it's the Wesson house it's on fire."

"Fire it's not on fire" I yelled. Trying to pull Sam back in the car. Mrs. Dallas said a few more words on the phone and then cut the call off.

"Well now it is ." she said and she summoned a huge ball of fire.

"ALEX!!!" I screamed. He was still in there.

Mrs. Dallas threw the fire ball towards my childhood home and there was a huge explosion. In all this Sam was pulled out of my grasp and nothing but a scrap of her jacket lay in my hands.

The old Mrs. Dallas smiled creepily and turned towards me it realized the knife was still there on the floor of my car I tried to make my way to it but I could not I had no strength left. Not anymore. My childhood home, my parents, my best friend, my sister everything was gone. All I could hear were screams and the burning wreak of a home.

Ashes were falling and I could hear the siren. My mind started to shut down I tried to pull myself out of the car but darkness dotted my vision.

" I do hope you enjoy this." I heard someone say just as I slipped into the darkness.

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