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Micah kissed me. And then I kicked him out. I don't believe this. This guy who I had known for not even three days had the urge to kiss me. I mean I didn't mean that I hated him or anything. It just I had never had expected my first kiss to be in a dirty motel with a person I had literally no idea about. I mean I had never been that religious and certainly I never came across an angel named Micah in the Bible.

I was still angry. I didn't have a hang on what's happening anymore. Nothing seemed to be what it was supposed to be. I had no idea what was going on. My only goal in my life was to get my sister back, and I really missed her. I never thought we would we pulled apart in any circumstance but it had happened, and I could literally do nothing to save her. And Alex, my best friend was gone.

I picked up the jug near me and threw it against the wall.


The jug shattered into a thousand pieces. It made me feel good, so the glasses followed suit.



And the television remote. The room was trashed completely in the following twenty minutes. Heaving a sigh, I walked out. The hotel manager looked scared to see me. I guess he must have heard the sounds. I shrugged my shoulders and walked out. I didn't have time for any of this and recently I didn't feel much. Just grief and anger, lots of it. Before this I never got angry easily but now anything could set it off. Situations change people and it did change me. I could see a convenience store. It had been days since I had read a newspaper. Earlier it was a tradition for me and dad to read it together especially the cartoons.

I pushed the door to the convenience store open. The little bell on the door chimed, announcing my arrival. The store was nothing extraordinary. Magazines of all kind were placed on the rack. The newspapers were nowhere in sight.

"Where are the newspapers?" I asked the skinny boy behind the desk.

"The......they they're....." he stuttered.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day." I snapped.

He continued to stutter

"Behind the crates" he yelped out.

"Thanks." I yelled at him as I made my way around to the back of the store where all the newspapers were stored. The pile of newspapers was pushed up against the wall. I picked up the one on the top. It was slightly crinkled, as if somebody had earlier read it.

The first page was national news, the second was international news. I flipped through the pages. Nothing seemed so weird. Until I stumbled on the state news. Plastered all over the page was my picture from my school year book. It was a particularly bad one. My hair was honey blond at that point of time and cut in choppy boyish style. The headline screamed


I gasped in surprise and accidently knocked a stand over. I looked up at the boy. He stared at me with big eyes. I ran up to the counter not caring about the stand I had knocked over.

"How much for the paper?" I asked.

"Um.... Its its its ...."

Again, with the infernal mumbling. I didn't have time to waste, so I pulled out a ten dollar note and told him to keep the change, in next change for any damages I had caused. I literally few out of the door, the newspaper tucked under my arms. I walked to the nearest bench which was placed against the bakery. I flopped down on the nearest bench. I pulled the page open to the one where the report was written.

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