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It's easy for me to get back to heaven. I had to just snap my fingers to get there. I found myself in one of the side corridors, in the office. Side effects of the Grigori bracelet. I walked into my office there were stacks of papers and files everywhere. Ramel meanwhile was sleeping on his table with his hands still clutching the pen. There were black circles under his eyes indicating his tiredness. I sighed it was kind of him to attempt to keep up with the paper work while I was gone, but it proved to be too much for him. I shook his shoulder.

"Ramel?". And he refused to wake up.


"Yes sir" he said waking up immediately and jumping out of the chair. I sighed. This is going to be so much harder than I thought it to be.

Though he was attentive I could see the dark circles around his eyes. He must have been working a lot more than what he was used to.

"Call the heads. We have a war upon us." I said. Ramel eyes widened and he nodded his head. He flew out of the door. I sat down on the armchair, going through the files, Ramel had been working on. The work had been more than satisfactory. Infact I was happy with the work done. I looked around the office. Doing nothing literally.

There was a knock on the door. Sixteen seconds later the seven heads walked in. They stood around the walls, against the shelves or on the armchairs in the room.

The seven heads were Raphael, Gabriel, Samandriel, Raziel, Nathaniel, Jophiel and Sariel. The heads were some of the wisest and loyal angels that I had known in my entire life. Raphael oversaw healing, Gabriel was obviously the messenger, Samandriel was the head of espionage, Raziel was the angel of mysteries, Nathaniel was the angel of Courage, Jophiel was the angel of visions and Sariel was the one who headed the watcher- a group of angels who patrolled earth.

All of them looked shocked. We almost never did have an emergency, except the last time when the demons of plague slipped out of hell and killed nearly a third of the world.

"I know all of you are surprized. But we don't have time. The demons have a plan to take over with the help of Satan." Several gasps went up in the room, but I continued.

"They have a vessel. And they plan to do it next week, on Friday 14th of February which obviously is new moon night. We need to stop them. I have plan ready. Any questions?" and almost every hand went up.

"Valentine's day, they had to ruin it." Gabriel muttered under his breath.

"Ask later. Now about the plan. I'm going to work with Diana Wesson" hearing the name Raziel and Jophiel looked at one another and smiled. Weird, but then they were weird every time anybody saw them.

"And I'm going into hell to rescue the vessel. I expect all of you to be on stand by and keep your eyes open and get your armies ready. I could need help at any point. And no, I don't need a squadron with me. And tell all the watchers in heaven to leave and work in groups of two or three while they're down there. I don't need any lives more than necessary lost in this." I said, gesturing them to ask their questions.

"Why we don't kill the vessel? It's just more of a pain for us later when they regroup." Nathaniel asked.

"Well I haven't told you but the vessel's Diana's sister. So, unless we want to be killed let's just go with my plan."

"I'll go and set the wards then." Raphael said.

"And why are you are wearing a Grigori bracelet?" asked Gabriel.

"That's none of your business." I snapped at him.

"Oh, it's my business alright. Doesn't the girl know that you still have enough power to kill her and run anytime you want to, even though you would be drained completely?" Gabriel asked.

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