chapter nine | running through the rooftops

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I DEFINITELY DO NOT recommend running on a half empty stomach and with cuts lining your back, but who knew what Ansen was going to do with those kids. He's not going to leave them alone, that's for sure.

The wind blowing through my hair was a familiar feeling as I raced the city skyline on the rooftops. The thump of my shoes must've made the people in the houses question what was going on, but I made sure to blend into the night, moving quickly before anyone could catch a good glimpse of me running.

It would be so easy to run away from everything right now, but the kids needed me. My siblings needed me to prove I was trustworthy. The king needed to know that I wasn't someone to mess with, because tomorrow morning, I will get some of what I want.

The safe room was closest to the garden entrance of the castle. I made my way over the gate unnoticed, because I was sure that even if I was sent by the king, guards would assume I was the enemy.

That is, if they were conscious.

The ground was littered with bodies on the ground, not dead but not conscious. Ansen and his men probably has something to do with them. I guess the guards passed out was better than having them dead.

I needed to get in unnoticed by the group, because if I was caught by them, it was game over for everyone.

The easiest way to the safe room was through a hidden trap door beside the garden. It was so secretive that it was Dad and I that found it, and the king and the guards didn't know it existed. Frankly, I don't think Lysander knows about it either. Dad put a lock on it, securing that no one could get in through there. It wasn't like anyone could see it, though.

Old and rusted, the door was covered by a part of the garden that was never maintained. Poison ivy was there, apparently, but we never found any. I slipped into the bush, taking a Bobby pin from my hair.

Bobby pins were probably the worst tool to pick a lock with, but at least it was convenient and easy to find.

The rusted lock came off easily, and I slipped inside, hanging the lock on the other side so that it couldn't but opened from outside. This wasn't the floor the dungeons were in. Perfect. The safe room should be down the hall.

But when I approached the door, I saw the guards outside unconscious, too. Damn, these guys were terrible at doing their job, if a couple men could cause so much damage. Then again, the guards looked unharmed. They had something to knock them out.

I picked up one of the guards' weapons. I sti had a weapon ban, but this shouldn't count. I was trying to do something good for the king.

The seven kids were huddled in a corner, Leo standing up front holding out a dagger. It was dull, I could tell, but it was better than nothing.

His eyes met mine, but he didn't say a word.

Ansen and Damien - his wingman - crowded around the children, wicked smiles on their face. I didn't know if they were ignoring me, or if I've finally managed to sneak up behind him.

"Ten years, and you're still going after young kids to recruit," I say, preparing for an attack. "Not today, Ansen."

He doesn't turn his head, but his smirk grows wider. "You made it just in time, Vera. Pity to give your nieces and nephews false hope that you were going to save them."

"Who told you that I was here to help you?" I said, holding up the weapon. "You were the one that ratted me out. I'm here on behalf of the queen."

He finally turns around. I should've just struck him on the back of my head when I arrived. A raging Damien would've been easier to handle.

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