Chapter 3 - Pirates in the dark

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Tracy was starting to get into the daily routine of everything as the days seemed to fly by.  Each day proved to have it's own little challenges.  But they were nothing that Tracy couldn't handle, after everything that she had already been through.  In fact she was starting to relax and enjoy each day.  For they only consisted of handling simply tasks like updating personal files, both on paper and online.  And listening to Bob talk as she typed up exactly what he was saying.

She didn't ask questions as to what she was actually typing about.  Since most of it just seemed to be simply daily tasks that he had accomplished that day on a few simple research projects that they were conducted in a few of the labs that were located on the ship.  And so far, even those projects seemed to be just a continued conversation from previous notes.  Much to Tracy's relief.

"Jen, do you know how far out we are from Altissia?"  Tracy asked as she trying to see how much longer that she would be on board just based on the time frame.

"Well, considering that we haven't had any major hiccups.  We should be on time to arrive at the end of next week."  She returned with a smile as the four of women found themselves once again eating dinner together on the mess decks, before relaxing for the evening.

"Why?"  Faith asked Tracy as she got that look in her eye again.  "Do you have a hot date waiting for you in Altissia or something?"

You have no idea.  Tracy slightly smiled as she dropped her head.  "No.  I just need a few shower supplies is all."

"Oh, is that all."  Faith said as if she was bored.  "You know that if you're low on something, you can always ask one of us or even talk to supply."

"I can't put you out like that."  Tracy said in a shy way.  

Which is how she had started to talk to them so that she didn't change the girl's life too drastically.  After all, the real Sara was going to have to survive after Tracy was long gone from the ship once it hit Altissia.  And she didn't want the change to be so drastic that the girl wasn't going to be able to handle any of it. 

It was bad enough that the XO seemed to be calling her up to his state room a lot to help out with typing up things for him.  Which she didn't really mind.  Since it was like getting a play by play of some of the challenges that they were having with various projects.

"Nonsense."  Jen said as she smiled at her.  "Hell, it's the least we could do for all of your help."

Tracy gave them all a questioning look as she glanced at each of them.  "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that."  Misty said as she took a drink. "You have no idea how much work you have taken off of our plates by helping out the XO like you have been.  We use to have to each take turns trying to keep up with him and his last minute changes and additions to the thousands of notes for his various projects."

Tracy simply dropped her head and simply shrugged her shoulders.  

Which was another thing that she had had to learn, and that was to restraint from talking and having to resort to simple shrugs or nods.  Which was total out of character for Tracy.  Of course in this case, it was also a way of hiding her slight smile that was trying to come across her lips as she thought about how she was starting to really enjoy her time that she was spreading with Bob each and everyday.  In fact she was starting to think that she might actually miss this ship and her crew after she left it. And especially him.

"So just let us know what you need, and we'll be sure to get it for you."  Faith said with a genuine smile.

"Thanks."  Tracy simply answered with  the same smile. 

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