Chapter 6 - Medical Ward

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Tracy slowly opened her eyes as she heard someone talking just off to the side. She slowly blinked her eyes as she tried to focus again. Which became clear as she could finally make out the doctor as he talked to a few of his assistants who were standing in front of him.

"I want everyone to keep an close eye on her. Her body will get to the point that it starts to reject it. And it may start to force it out of her. I'm not sure when that will be, considering we don't have an exact time frame of when it passed. If this happens before we reach Altissia, we may have to fly her off. We don't have the right equipment to handle the procedure here if anything goes wrong." Doc was saying in a calm mello voice.

But to Tracy, he sounded more like an executioner. She had had a feeling that something was wrong. But she had tried not to give up any chance of hope. But as he spoke, she knew then that there wasn't any hope left anymore.

She closed her eyes tightly as she fought off the immediate rush of emotions. The sadness of the loss. The fear for herself and for her lost baby. Even helplessness of not being able to do anything.

But the loudest was her anger in failing yet again. And not just herself this time. Or even for her team who gave their lives to save her. Even though that one thought alone, was pure rage itself.

No. The one that hit the hardest was the anger towards herself for losing her baby. It was an tiny innocent being. Who never had a chance.

It never had a chance to grow up and explore the world. It never got to be held and loved by everyone. It never even got to take its first breath of fresh air. Before it went back to the life stream.

Tracy's whole body started to shake as she could feel the emotions winning the battle. But as soon as she started crying, she felt a sharp pain seer her side. The pain was so intense that she couldn't help but to cry out loud. She had to open her eyes again as the pain seemed to take over.

"Fuck!" Tracy cried as she quickly grabbed her side.

Only for her to slightly jump as she felt the soft cloth of the bandages under her fingers. She quickly clutched her hand into a fist to prevent herself from grabbing the bandages. She hissed as she tried to calm back down. For the pain was starting to cause sparks in front of her eyes.

"Here Ms. Sullivan, this will help with the pain. But it won't be enough to knock you out this time." Tracy heard Doc say from her right side.

Tracy slightly started to relax as she could feel the cool liquid flow through her IV and into her body. She tried to calm down her emotions the rest of the way as she tried to stretch out a bit. But as she did, she felt pain from the pull of her skin where they had had to stitch her up. She had to clutch her jaw again as she tried not to cry out again.

"Try to relax my dear. You'll only hurt yourself more if you try to move to much." Doc said as he placed one of his hands on her forehead and the other on her arm.

Tracy slowly settled back down as she tried to calm down her now labored breathing and racing heart. She knew that he was right. But how was she suppose to relax after what she had just heard. Hell she wasn't even sure how she was suppose to feel at all, considering what she had just learned.

"There you go." He said when he saw that she stopped trying to move all together. "Just stay still for now. The Morphine should kick in, in a few minutes. But until then, I don't suggest moving unless you absolutely have to.

"How bad is it?" She quietly asked in a raspy voice.

"You have two broken ribs and a laceration on your side. We were able to safety stop the bleeding and sewed you back up. And the ribs were a clean break that should heal fairly quickly since they never got compounded." She heard doc say as she stared at the bulkhead that was opposite of her. "And take comfort that you are young enough that you should have next to nothing in a scar from the laceration."

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