Chapter 18 - Gun Fight

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"Are you sure about this?" RJ asked as he stood beside Tracy as she was dressed now and armed to teeth with two handguns and a full belt of clips again.

"I'm positive." She said as she glanced at the second set of guns and full clip belt that was for Bob as soon as they got to him.

"Alright. We'll follow your lead." He said.

"Good. I want everyone to fan out and surround the rock formation. Their in there somewhere. But this time their not getting back out." She said into the headset.

"Yes ma'am." She heard back through the headset.

Then she turned to RJ. "Are you ready?"

He nodded back at her with a determined face. Right as he did, the fairly large group of speed boats started to clear the entrance to Altissia. Immediately they started spreading out in a full fan formation as they sped towards the rock formation. Tracy kept her eyes on the formation as the other boats started to catch up to her and form a full line of speed boats as they raced to their destination. But right as they got close, there was suddenly several boats flying out of the rock as if by magic.

"Shit! They were ready for us. Take evasive action. Don't let any of them get away! But don't forget to surround the entrance. There will be more of them." She shouted into the headset and started racing towards the closest speed boat.

Suddenly she heard gun fire as they got closer to the boats. The pirates had started shooting at the approaching speed boats as they tried to defend their hideout. Tracy slightly smiled as she was grateful that they were just bullets and not cannons. But that was short lived as she heard someone on her boat cry out before hitting the deck.

She looked back and saw that one of the other team members on her boat had been taken out by a stray bullet. Her face turned white. It was happening again. She was losing her team.

Dammit! She shouted in her head as she quickly turned the boat so that the others could fire at the boat as she ran alongside them.

But the boat quickly turned again as they tried to avoid being shot at. But Tracy quickly followed their motion. Suddenly there was another boat racing towards her with their guns blazing. She heard several people go down on her boat.

"No!" She shouted and turned sharply away so that they were out of range again.

Right as she did that, she heard an explosion coming from the direction of the first boat that they had been going after. She turned her head and saw the first boat in flames and starting to sink. She slightly smiled. She was glad that it wasn't one of hers that time. But she was still sad that it had to be anyone at all.

She then glanced around and heard a couple more explosions and saw two more of their boats get blown up. She smiled again. They were winning. But then she saw a random boat trying to escape from the area. As she watched it she realized that it wasn't one of hers. But then again it didn't look like one of theirs either. Then suddenly her heart dropped as she heard a man's frantic voice over the radio.

"Mayday! Mayday! We're being fired at and we're not armed! We need assistance!" He called into the radio.

Tracy's mouth then went dry. She knew that voice. She had heard it a hundred times now coming from the tv. That was Madam Camelia's husband. What the hell was he doing out here?

Quickly Tracy turned her boat and started flying after his boat as he was being pursued by several other boats. "That's Madam Camelia's husband. And he's under attack. Get those guys off of him."

"Ma'am! There's someone else with him!" Tracy heard being shouted over the headset.

"What?" She said out loud and quickly grabbed her binoculars.

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