Chapter 5 - Ship's Logs

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Tracy had pulled out almost every single drawer as she searched for the ship's deck log that the quartermasters are suppose to keep on the ship.  This way there is an official record of it to help explain everything about the ship's movements and the history of everything around it.  Finally she found a drawer that looked promising.  But it seemed to be jammed as she tried to pull it open.  But then after a lot of very loud scrapping and screeching, she was finally able to forcefully yank it open. Inside she found exactly what she was looking for.

"Jackpot."  She said out loud.  

Then she took off the waterproof backpack that was on her back and packing up all of it to take with them.  Then she threw it back over her shoulder, as she stepped back out into the hallway to meet back up with Bob.  Then she turned into the Captain's quarters.  But she had been so focused on telling Bob about her luck with finding the logs, that she had missed the motion that was slowly making its way down the hallway.

"Any luck?"  Tracy asked as she watched him go through the drawers of a desk that was on one side of the room.

"Not yet."  He said as he got up and started looked through the the various shelves that lined the bulkheads right behind the desk.  "And you?" 

"I hit the mother load."  She said with a huge smile.

"Really?"   Bob said as he looked up at her.

She was standing there beaming down at him.  But he only saw this for a moment when he saw something that stopped his heart.  His jaw dropped as he watched a giant squid type creature start to stand up right behind Tracy as it stood back up to its full towering height.  Bob couldn't seem to move as he stared right at it.  He had never seen something like this before, and the very sight of it was a great reminder that they were indeed in danger and in unknown territory.  Which only provided to him that he had truly had a lot to learn about Niflheim.

"Are you alright?"  Tracy asked as she searched his face.  "You look like you have just seen a ghost."

"Tracy, I need you to slowly step towards me and don't make any sudden moves."  Bob said in a cautious voice as he slowly started to stand up himself so that he could either run or fight.  Or more than likely, both.

"Why?  Do you....?  Tracy started to ask, before she stopped short as she suddenly became very much aware that there was something very large behind her as she caught a glimpse of a moving tenticile out of the corner of her eye.

Bob then stood almost in a trance and stared at Tracy as time seemed to slow down as if he was watching a slow motion movie scene. For he watched as Tracy slowly started to turn as she stepped forward as she reached for both of her pistols that were on her hips.  With her thumbs she flipped the thin leather straps off of both guns and slowly pulled them out of their holsters at the same time.  Then as she raised them up, she flipped the safety off of both of them and raise them both up as she took aim at the squid type creature.

Then the quiet air was shattered as she fired off several shots right at the head of the creature.  Bob watched the creature jerk with each hit, before falling to the ground in a quivering mass.  It's tentacles still curled around everything they could find.  Bob just stared in shock for a few moments until he heard a terrifying scream coming from the hallway and knew that more of them were coming.  Then suddenly everything seemed to speed back up to a normal speed as another one of those creatures came into the room.

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