Chapter 4 - Unknown Cargo

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"What's your name?" Tracy heard coming from a voice that she had hoped would never be asking her that question.

Tracy sat there looked at the floor for a moment, as she was considering to try and continue with the charade.

"And don't even think about trying to lie about it this time." She heard him say right as she was getting ready to talk.  "We already know what you did to the real Sarah."

Tracy slowly glanced up and looked at Bob as he stood in front of her with his arms crossed in front of him. She could feel the full weight of his stare as she sat handcuffed to a chair that was sitting in the middle of the Wardroom. 

This was not how I had pictured this evening would head. She thought as she could feel everyone's eyes on her, as she sat there.

"Sara, the real Sara.  Told us that she had been choked, robbed of her glasses, coat, hat, and badge. Then apparently tossed off the pier."  Bob said as his eyes never left her.

"Wait? Are you serious?" Tracy heard Faith say from her right as she sat with Misty and Jen.

"The authorities just reported back and told me that they had found her in the hotel you had booked for three weeks. Under the assumed name of Cindy Sophiar."  Bob continued as Tracy dropped her head again.  "I suppose I should thank you for not killing her instead.  Based on what I saw last night, I have no doubt that you have the skills to do so."

"I would never hurt anyone like tha, unless I had to."  Tracy said in a quiet voice.

"Then prove it.  Tell us your real name this time."  Bob said in a harsher commanding tone.  "And why you're on our ship?"

Tracy dropped her head further as she swallowed.  She knew that she was up against a wall now.  But they did have the right to know the truth.  She just wasn't sure if they were going to believe it or not.   Considering the true story sounded crazy.  And was way more outlandish than a simply stowaway situation.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This will end up with me either being released to the police, or turned into the looney bin.  Both of which will be nothing compared to the harsh treatment that I can more than likely expect from them from here on out.  I guess I might as well get use to the ship's brig cell from last night.

Well. Here goes everything.  Tracy thought as she slowly exhaled as she straightened up as she opened back up her eyes and looked Bob in the eyes as she spoke.

"My name is Tracy Sullivan.  I'm an Insomnia Secret Intelligence Field Agent."  She answered firmly as she looked right at him.  "I secretly boarded your ship so that I could safety travel to Altissia. Nothing more."

"Where were you at that you had to secretly stowaway to get back?"  He asked as everyone in the room seemed to be holding their breath.

"I was trying to report back to Insomnia after escaping from being captured and held hostage by Nifelheim for nearly two months."  Tracy said in as steady of a voice that she could muster, considering her heart rate was starting to increase.

"Where's the rest of your team?"  He asked as Tracy could see Misty shift in her chair out of the corner of her eye.

Tracy dropped her gaze for a moment as she fought to keep her emotions from starting to play a part.  "Dead."

 "What about your rescue team?"  He continued as she saw Rick shift on the other side of her.

"I don't know."  She said in a softer tone.  "I can only assume the same.  Since no one came for us.  If one was sent at all."

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