Chapter 19 - Captain Steel's Final Stand

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The more that they looked through the vast isles that made up most of the floor layout.  The deeper that Tracy started to fall into depression.  Because all they saw was bodies scattered around like discarded trash.  She had never seen anything like it.  And it was ripping her apart as they made their way through the rows.

But then they heard a shuffling as if people were being dragged around.  "I'll give it to you two.  Your both very skilled to still be standing."

Tracy was quickly on edge again as she recognized Captain Steel's cold voice.  She could hear him fighting with keeping his hostages with him as Tracy heard them struggling against him.  She slightly smiled to herself.  They were still very much alive and fighting back as well.  This might be easy, if they could distract him enough to give them a chance to run from him.

"Of course you know that this means that I have to kill you now for taking down my whole crew."  He said from behind the row of crates that was right in front of them.  

Bob and Tracy both got down low and tried to move where they could see him.  But so far all Tracy could see was two people struggling against their restraints since they were tied to a main support beam.  Which Tracy figured had to be Camelia's family.  But if that was the case, then where was he.  But right as she thought that, she heard a resounded gun shot and felt Bob shove her off to the side as he fired back.

Tracy turned and watched as if in slow motion as she watched Bob flying backwards after shoving her out of the way.  He had his guns raised as he fired back.  But her breath caught as she saw a spot of blood flying from him.  That was soon followed by his body lurched as two more shots hit him in the chest as he flew down to the floor on his back.

"BOOOOOB!"  Tracy shouted after she watched him slam down on the ground.

She then pushed herself back up and quickly turned towards where the shots had been fired  from and opened fire.  Then as time sped back up.  She took out the last two pirates with two quick head shots as they tried to hide behind the crates.  Then she turned and saw Captain Steel running from her.  She opened fire on him and heard him call out in pain as she nailed him in his shoulder.

She heard him grunt.  But he didn't stop.  Instead she watched him grab his hostages and run.  She saw where he ran and knew that he wouldn't be getting far.  Not with now one of his arms hanging loosely down to his side.

But right now she had a much bigger concern.  She thought as she turned back to Bob as he laid there on the floor gasping.  She quickly holstered her guns and dropped to her knees as she grabbed him.  She could barely see him as tears poured from her eyes as she started to panic.  She knew that many shots to the chest could easily prove to be fatal.

"Bob!"  She said as she picked him up off the ground.  "Oh dear six no. No, no, no, no."

Bob swallowed hard as his face twisted in pain as he fought to breath. "Fuck that hurts."

"Don't move love."  She said through her tears as she ripped his shirt open as she tried to see if the bullets went straight through or if they were still in him.

He groaned from the motion as she tore open his shirt and saw the three bullet wounds.  He had one through the shoulder, one right near his collar bone, and the last one looked like it just missed his heart.  She quickly tore his shirt Into strips and made up some bandages and started wrapping him up.  She couldn't lose him.  Not now.  Not when they were so close.

"Stop love."  He said as he grunted through that pain after she had him wrapped up pretty tight.  "I'll be alright for now."

"No you won't.  I have to get you to the ship.  Doc can fix you up.  I know he can."  She said through tears again as her hands started to shake as she checked the bandages once again.

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