Chapter 10 - The Hidden Society

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"And here I thought that I would be free of all of this nonsense."  Weskham said as he walked away from Tracy as he moved out from behind the bar of his restaurant after closing up shop for the night.

"But this isn't nonsense."  Tracy pleaded with him as she followed him.  "And it's not just for your city.  This is for Insomnia and Tenebrae as well.  Hell I would even say it would go for all of Eaos."

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself wrapped up into."  Weskham said in a stern voice as he gave her daggers as he was about to board an awaiting gondola.  "There are forces at work here that you can't possibly understand."

"I'm fully aware of what's at stake!"  Tracy said back in the same stern tone only louder  "But it seems that unlike you, I'm willing to fight for it.  It's as if someone has taken your balls away from you and are holding them hostage.  Well I for one am tired of being a hostage.  I would rather be hostile and fight back to save not only this city, but everyone in it.  And that would include your cowardly ass!"

And with that, she boarded the very gondola that he was getting ready to get on.  "Take me to the Leville."  She said sternly to the driver.

"Yes ma'am."  The driver said and started moving the boat away from the pier as he headed around the back of Maagho.

"I'll be staying there for tonight.  Incase someone changes his mind." She said out loud.  

Then she turned and faced Weskham who stood there in shock as he stared at her as the boat came back around to the front of the restaurant as it hit the open waterway.  "In the meantime, perhaps I can find some people who are willing to fight for what they really care for."

Tracy then turned away from him as the gondola turned away from his restaurant and headed for the hotel. 

So much for his help.  He seemed to be either to afraid of the Nif or of risking his life.  Or both.  I'm just not sure which one it is anymore.  But then again, Korn had warned me.  She thought as she sat down hard on the seat in front of the driver. 

She then brought her head down to her rest it in her hands as she rested her elbows on her knees.  She was starting to get frustrated.  How was she going to do this?  It was just her.  But she had to get more people.  But how could she possible get enough people together to fight back so that they could take back the city?

She dropped her gaze as her leg started to shake.  She felt like she was getting ready to snap.  She needed help.  But it seemed that no one there was willing to help.  That was until she heard a promising voice talking to her.

"If your serious about helping to bring down the pirates.  I might know of a group of people who would be more than willing to help you out."  Tracy heard a very strong accented voice say from the back of the boat in a tone that was as low as the motor of the very gondola that she was in. 

Tracy slowly looked back up and turned around and faced the driver.  "Are you serious?"

The driver gave her a very stern look.  "Are you?"


"So they are right through this door."  The driver said as he gestured for her to enter through an white steel door that was hidden in an alley just off of the main street.  It gave access to the back alley instead of the street in front.

Tracy felt her heart start to pound. Everything about this had her on edge. But as she looked at the door it made sense. They had to hide if they were to operate right under the empire control. Otherwise they would be slaughtered on site.

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