Chapter 11 - Reunited

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"I'm sorry sir. But there is no one admitted here by the name of Sara Long." The lady at the front desk was saying as she was searching the admissions logs.

"Then do you perhaps have a Tracy Sullivan? She would have been admitted about a week ago?" A tall blonde asked in an almost desperate tone.

Doc was walking past the waiting area when he heard the name. He slowed down and went over and stood by the wall behind the desk for a moment as he listened.

"No, I'm sorry." She began. "Wait. Here she is. Oh, but it looks like she was transferred to a hospital in Insomnia. It was Insomnia General about four days ago."

Doc looked over and saw a tall muscular blonde stare at the girl for a moment in shock, as if his heart had just stop. Only to then dropped his head. Doc watched him carefully. He had a feeling that this was who she had mentioned had helped her out. He put his chart to his chest for a moment as he studied him. He didn't look like a sailor. A surfer for sure with his long blonde hair and full grown beard on his face. But he wasn't so sure about the sailor part.

"Thank you. I appreciate you looking for me." The blonde said in a low tone before he slowly turned and walked away.

Doc stood there for a moment and watched him walk out. He couldn't be sure if that was him without asking him directly. But he knew that Tracy would be upset with him if he didn't at least tell her that there was a chance that he had seen him. So he walked over to the admissions deck.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"Doctor?" The girl asked as she gave him a confused look.

"The gentleman that you were just talking to. What was his name?" Doc asked as he followed the blonde with his eyes as he stepped back outside and was approached by a group of people.

"He only gave me a first name. Robert. I think." She said as she tried to remember.

"Thank you." Doc said and watched the group slowly turn and walk away as a male brunette, about the same height as the blonde, patted him on the back like what a brother would have done.

"Perhaps...." Doc said then walked away as he pulled out his phone.


Tracy slowly walked down to the end of the pier. She slightly smiled to herself as she could make out the ships white superstructure and dark blue hull. There was no mistaking the Atlantis for anything other than what she truly was. Unique. But then as she got closer she could see that she looked like she was in bad shape. Which made her concerned. There was tons of heavy machines and equipment on the pier and her decks were covered with extra structures and crates.

Her heart fell as she looked at the ship. They must have had a rough trip back.

Then as she approached the ship, the guy on watch on the bow of the ship stopped in his tracks and waved at her. "Welcome back!"

"Thank you!" She shouted back as she approached the bow. "Welcome to Altissia!"

"Thank you!" He shouted back.

She smiled broadly as she realized that he was wearing his boatswain's pipe around his neck. She knew then that that was indeed Billy. And she was glad to see that he was still smiling and his pipe was nowhere near his butt. Which made her laugh to herself as she kept walking down the pier. As she got closer to the quarterdeck she heard a familiar voice talking to several sailors on the pier.

"No. That part is for oil pump and that part is for the water pump. Don't get those confused!" Said the blonde with broad shoulders.

"I'm surprised your here and not out eating with Misty and them?" Tracy said as she walked up to him

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