Chapter 17 - The Last Night

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"Do you think that they moved?"  Tracy asked him one night as they headed back to the hotel after dinner at Maagho's.

"No.  I don't think so."  Bob said as they approached the hotel.  "We would have seen some sigh of them leaving."

"Perhaps."  Tracy said as she dropped her head.  

She was started to get frustrated knew that they had to get this sagain.  She knew that the time that she had with him was wearing down.  And sheolved if they were to be able to move forward with anything.  

But it seemed that everything had stalled out.  For the last couple of days hadn't been as progressive as the first day.  They had gone out each day and had spent the entire day hoping to see the boats again.  Only to come up empty handed.  

So far the only thing that they had been able to figure out was that the boats had been the ones reported missing.  Plus they had been able to positively identify the heavy set blonde as being the famous pirate Captain Steel who was known for using guns oppose to the famous swords of the old pirates.  Captain Steel had been responsible for countless deaths and hostile takeovers of hundreds of ships.  Which meant that if they took him down, they would end his whole reign of terror.  

But that wasn't going to be enough.  They were going to have to take everyone of them out.  Otherwise the issue would still continue.  Just under the next highest pirate in line. 

No, if they were going to get it to stop.  They were going to have to take them all out in one massive attack.  Which was going to require the entire Society team to do it.  Which meant that she could possible lose them in the process.

The thought sent chills down Tracy's spine as she thought about it.  She didn't want to lose another team.  Not again.  Her own team had been hard enough for her to bear.  She really didn't want to go through that again.

"Hey."  She heard Bob say from beside her.  "Let's do something different tonight."

Her thoughts paused for a moment as if he had just shattered her train of thought.  She then slowly looked at him.  She had been so lost in thought.   That she hadn't even realized that they had stopped outside of the hotel by the stairs, that would take them to high gondola transport to the other side of town.  He slowly turned her towards him as he searched her face.

"Different?" She asked as if the idea was crazy

"Yes.  Different."  He said as he cupped her chin in his hand.  "You obviously need to stop thinking about what we trying to do and focus on something else for a bit."

She dropped her head for a moment as she tried not to look at him.  But he quickly pulled her face back up to his.  She could see the concern in his face. 

He slowly moved her hair off to the side and behind her ear.  She then slowly wrapped her arms around him as she pulled herself against him.  His warm body always seemed to help her stay calm.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head as he held her for a few moments.  "You've been down all day today.  So how about we change things up a bit and have some fun.  Let's meet up with my crew for a night at the arena.  Perhaps a night with them will cheer you up."

She slowly pulled back to look at him.  "But aren't they busy?"

"Only during the day.  They have been out in town each night since we pulled in.  We have been missing them though since they have been coming in much later than us most nights."  He said with a smile.

"Are you serious?"  She said with a half smile.

"Well everyone except for Alex and Mike that is.  But that's because they are the only two who have to be back early if the repairs are to be done on time."   Bob answered with a smile.  "But I think that they will even make an exception for one night."

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