chapter 2

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black -  lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust 
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment

Lance just stars at lotor. He was insure of what to say because he was so nervous about lotors aura.  Lotor must be evil in some way. No one noticed lance staring at lotor because they were to busy greating and introducing themselves to lotor. "Hey I'm shiro. I'm the black paladin." Shiro starts. "This is keith the red paladin, this is pidge the green paladin, this hunk the yellow alien.. and this is lance the blue paladin"  when he said the name of each of the paladin he points to them to identify who is who while he speaking.  Lotor smiles at them. Alura and coran smiles aswell. Before Keith asks  "why are you here lotor?". This snakes lance out of his star.  He looks at keith then back at lotor wanting to know that answer to. "Lotor is here to help us defeat the rest of the galra empire" alura says "He is also going to help us get more quintessence For the lions". Lotors aura adds another colour to his already red and gold aura, black appears as alura is talking. All the paladin, except lance, nod to say Alright to what alura says. Lance knows that lotor is lying but he needs to find evidence so other people will believe him because no one knows about him being able to see auras. 'What is he up to?' Lamce thinks 'he is royalty, he is evil/dangerous and he is lying'

"Number 5 I need your help tracking a quintessence field with lotors code" coran says.
"Right away Coran", podge says.  Coran and pidge walk off to the tracking room. "I'm going to start making dinner. " hunk said before heading to the kitchens. Keith and shiro just walk off to go train.  Lance sits on the couch bored, thinking of something of something to do when he over hears what alura and lotor are talking about in the corner of the room.

"Are you sure hes not him?" Lotor said "yes I'm sure lotor. I would know my own brother" alura said "and anyway.  Lance is human not altean. So please drop it lotor". Lotor sighs
"fine alura. I'm going to go for a walk" replays lotor before he walks off.
'Alura has a brother?' Lance thought

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