chapter 7

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment


Lance's eyes widen in fear. He starts panicking. He has to get married to someone he has never met.  He isn't worried that he has to marry a boy because he is bisexual. He was just scared to marry a galra and a man hes never met and he has no choice out of it.  He needed to save this war and the only way to do this to marry the galra prince. He mumbled "i-im 18 in two weeks". Hunk hugs lance as way to try and calm him down, he hated seeing his best friend so scared and worried.. Lance hugs back. Lotor was still smirking, he thinks 'he is so cute. I can't wait to make him my wife'. 

Keith was angry.  He wanted to be with lance and marry him. He was so in love with lance even if he won't admit it to anyone though.
Alura was mad at lotor for telling lance about the peace treaty before he was ready. She didn't want to lose her brother to lotor after just seeing him again.

Shiro, pidge didn't want lance to marry someone who wasn't keith. They both knew that lance and keith were crushing on each other

Coran was trying to think of a way to stop lance from marrying lotor. He was going to find some sort of clause in the peace treaty so the it still happens but lance doesn't marry lotor.

"W-who's the prince of the galra?"  Lance finally asks nervously.  Lotor looks at lance smirking "I'm prince lotor if the glaran empire. I'm half altean half altean" 

"Lance has to marry you?" Pidge asks. Lotor nods smiling.    Coran goes over to his altean computer to find some way out of this so lance doesn't marry lotor but the peace treaty still happens.

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