chapter 3

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment

Lance is unsure of how long he sat there thinking about the conversation he over heard between alura and lotor. 'alura would have told us if she had a brother right? She wouldn't keep that from us. Why does lotor think I'm her brother? I'm human not altean' lance thought. Just then coran and pidge walk back into the room. "We have found a quintessence field" coran said as he enters the room. "Good how long will it take for us to get there?" Alura asks.
"At least 3 ear hours, alura. So we have time to have dinner while we travel there" podge replies. Lotor and alura nod while hunk comes into the room "good thing I just finished making dinner then isn't it?" He said "can someone go get keith and shiro".
Everyone looks at each other before lance says "I'll go get them". He then runs off to the training deck. He watched keith and shiro finish training before saying "hunk said dinners ready. So clean up and come to dinner". Keith blushes slightly when he realises lance watched them train. His aura turned white.

'That must be embarrassment' lance thought before hearing shiro says "alright will be there in a bit". Lance nods before going to dinning room. He sits at the table next to hunk and pidge. Coran and alura were sat at the top of the table next to alura. Keith and shiro come into the room. Shiro sits next to coran and keith sits next to shiro. After everyone sits down,they starts eating the space goo. Granted hunk had made the space goo taste of different earth foods but its still space goo.

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