chapter 4

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment

3 hours later, they finally arrived at the quintessence field. Everyone, but lance, alura, coran and lotor, was standing infront of the main window looking at the quintessence field. Everyone who was at the window was amazed at how beautiful it looked. Yes you heard me right. Everyone even emo boy keith himself was amazed by what they saw out of the main window. "It is so amazing and beautiful" hunk said in shock, amazed by what he is seeing. "That is right number 4" coran said as he comes over to the window. "Lance, alura, lotor why don't you come and have look?" Pidge says but she doesn't take her eyes off the quintessence field. Before lance could answer to say Alright I'll come look or even move towards the mirror. Lotor turns to alura and asks "why don't we show them what happens to royal aliens when they go near a quintessence field?". Alura looks at lotor, nods smiling. "What do you mean?" Hunk asks
"What happens when you come close to a quintessence field?" Shiro asks
"Your altean?" keith said
"And your royalty?" Pidge asks.
Lance already knew answer to most of them questions, so he didn't need to know the answers but lotor just says "watch" before him and alura walk over to the main window. Suddenly their altean Mark's start to glow a bluey gold colour. "This is what happens when royal alteans come close to a quintessence field" alura answers. Everyone was wow'd that lotor and alura's Mark's were glowing that they didn't notice lance coming over to the main window untill pidge turns to look at him and her eyes widen.
"Guys if only alteans have those Mark's and only royal alteans glow near a quintessence fields. Then why is

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