chapter 14

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment

Its been 11 years since lance found out that he is the lost altean prince. 9 years since he and Keith got married. 8 1/2 years since everyone moved back to earth and got there own houses.  Hunk and pidge started dating 3 years ago and have adopted a robot chid.  Shiro and Adam got married last year. Coran and Allura turned the castle into a earthly looking house abd moved in there.

Lance and Keith have been gifted with two beautiful daughtera. Their oldest is kianni kogane who is 10 She was mostly altean but acted more like keith. She is a socal introvert and loves to train. Keith and lance often have to hide all the knives and keoth's swords from her.  Their youngest was Lucy kogane who is 4. She looks more Galra than altean but she takes after lance more. Even though she is only 4, she loves make up, face masks and always trying to  look as pretty as She can. Lucy is hard work you see as she has servier A.D.H.D.  which gets worse as she gets older.

Right now, keith was stood at the gorls badroom door as he watched lance, the love of his life, put their children to bed. Keith's aura was bright pink meaning he is deeply in love.   Lance, who was carrying a sleeping lucy in his arms, tooked Kianni in bed.  "Why do we have to go to bed papa?" Kianni asked lance.
Lance smiles at her "because you have school in the morning. And don't make up excuses you are going" lance sakd before putting Lucy in her  princesss themed bed. He tooked lucy in before kissing both his daughters on the head. "Night papa, night dad" Kianni mumbled before falling asleep.   "Night sweety" both lance and keity said at the same time.  Before lance turned the night light on and left the room as keith turned the main light off and shut the door.  

Keith goes over to lance and wraps his arms around lance's waist. Lance turned around and wraps his arms around keith's neck befire leaning over and whispering something in keith's ear. Keith's aura turns orange  as he picks lance up and takes him to their room. Lets just say that was the night  Ryan Coran Kogane was conceived.


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