chapter 12

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment


Alura noticed lance had cried himself.  She sighs and picks  hims up. She lays him down on the bed. She lays down next to him before pull the cover over them both. She pulls lance close and cuddles him before falling asleep herself.

~mean while in the mediacl room~

Hunk, pidge, coran and shiro try and
stop the galra's fighting. Non of them had noticed that alura and lance had left the room and that was 20 minutes ago.   Keith and lotor keep fighting each other.

lotor and keith continue to punch, kick and claw at the other person. the fear of losing lance pushing then through the pain

keith punched lotor in the face sending him flying into the ground. the force of it causing the metal to dent. he huffed starring down at his enemy.

no one would ever take away his lance. his fiancee. his love

he shifts out of his galra form panting from the fight. he turns to look for lance but not seeing him there causes him to panic.

lotor slowly becomes conscious and seeing keith in a moment of panic he strikes. He kicks his legs out from underneath him and pins him down with a knee to Keith's throat. he continues to send punches to Keith's face.

keith tries to gasp for breath not being able to get any since his air tunnel Is blocked. he claws at lotor's skin peeling the skin of his purple face. Lotor yelps and lightens the pressure from his leg.

keith takes his opportunity and pushes lotor off of him. he shifts back into galra and punches lotor withal his strength. lotor falls back, his head hitting the floor. he was out cold

(thanks Pumpkin_Mary for writing the fight scene for me )

An hour later, the fight had finally stoped. Keith had got his byard and stabed lotor. Lotor was now on the floor bleeding out. Not caring if he died, pidge and coran got lotor into an exscape pod, that had not controls or healing equipment or food in it, and blasted him into space. Before going back over to Keith.

Keith had bruises and cuts all over him and his noise was bleeding.  He changes back into his human form. Hunk catches him as he faints. Hunk quickly put keith into a healing pod to heal him before helping coran clean the  healing room.  Pidge goes to make shre lotor will never return and will stay away from lance

~Meanwhile in lance's room~

Lance and Allura were stilll asleep on the bed.

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