chapter 13

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment


~four weeks later~
Its been four weeks since the fight.
Four weeks since lance found put that he was the lost altean prince of alta. Allura's little brothet
Four weeks since they all found out about the peace treaty
Four weeks since lance and keith said they would get married
Two weeks since lance had turned 18. Today was the day. The day lance and keith are to be married.

Right now keith was in his room with shiro, his best man.  They were getting ready. Lance thought it would be funny if everyone wore clothes that was the colour of their lions. So keith was wearing a red suit with a black dress shirt under the red suit coat. And shiro was wearing a black suit.   Keith sighs nervously. He was scared that lance would regrete this. "Keith, calm down. Everything will be fine" shiro says trying to calm him down. He worked for a bit before keith drags him to the hall where the weding was taking place which made keith even more nervouse.  Coran was standing at the altre as he was the one who was doing fhe cemetery and getting lance and keith married.
Keith stood next to the altre, nervously. Shiro stands behind him trying to calm him down.
Hunk stands next  to shiro with the rings. He had been choosen as ring barrier. He was wearing a yellow suit. 
They all look at the door as lance walks into the room wearing a blue traditional alteam wedding suit with a red cape. Alura was walking him down the ile. She was wearing her pink and blue altean dress.  Pidge walks into behind them wearing a green dress. They walk over to the altre. Allura and pidge stand next to lance.
Lance and keith smile at each other before keith starts the ceremony. 

~An hour later~

"Do you lance McClain take keith kogane as you husband" coran says. Lance smiles at keith before saying "i do"  coran nods before looking at keith. "Keith kogane do you take lance McClain to be You're huaband"  he asks.  Keith nods "i do"
"Well. I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom" conran says smiles widley.
Keith, with a pink aura,  pulls lance close and kisses him on the lips. Lance blushes and kisses back as everyons else cheered.

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