chapter 10

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment


Lance, lotor, pidge, hunk, alura, keith and shiro all turn to look at coran as he said this.  "Well? What the results coran?" Shiro asked as he really wanted keith to be royal so he marries lance instead of keith.

"The results are ......  keith is galra royalty" coran said, happly. Keith smiles widley at that. He was royalty he could marry lance.  Lance was confused on how he didn't  notice that Keith was royalty. He norrows his eyes and looks at keiths aura. There has to be some gold in his aura. Even if its dupper faint, it should be there. He looks at his aura for a couple of minutes before smiling widly and nearly shouting "i see it. I found it!"

"Found what lance," pidhe asks looking at  lance. "I found the gold in keiths aura. Its not as thick as lotors and alura's but its there. He really is royalty" lance said smiling widly. This seemed to make lotor even more mad. 'Even if he is royalty, which i don't believe, lance will be mine' lotor throught before saying outloud "how is he royalty may I ask?" Alura nods agreeing with this "yeah how is keith royalty?"

"His mother is the lost galra princesses. She is lotor's lost twin sister. " coran said smiling. "That makes keith lotor's nephew and next in line after lotor" hunk says.

"So the peace treaty will happen if lance marrys keith or lotor" shiro says,making keith and lotor smile, before turning to lance and asking "who do you want to marry in two weeks lance?".

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