chapter 5

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment


Keith, alura, shiro, hunk, coran and lotor turned to face lance. Everyone but lotor's, eyes widen to. Laura's eyes seem to fill with tears and lotor smirks but no seems to notice. Well no one but lance. Lance was looking at everyone's reaction in fear. He was scared about how they will react. This has never happened to him before but this means he is more of a freak than he already is because he can see auras. He backs up slightly.

"Lance" alura whispers out. Lance looks at her before looking ar hunk as he said
"Lance why are your eyes glowing and why do you have glowing altean Mark's?". Lance looks down before mumbling "i-i don't know". Pidge and hunk notice how scares lance looks. They go over to him and hug him. He hugs them back. As the alteans look at each other and seen to have a silent conversation with them untill lotor and alura nod. Coran goes over to lance. Lance looks up at him..
"Are we allowed to take a blood test to see why you are glowing?" Coran asked. Lance nods sadly. "Let's go then" shiro says.

They all head to the hospital wing of the castle. Lance climbs onto the bed as coran gets the equipment he needs to do a blood test. Lance looks nervous.. keith notice this and goes over to him.
"You don't like needles do you?" He asks lance. Lance shakes his hand to say no. "Why don't you hold my hand and keep your focus on me while coran gets your blood?" He asks. Lance nods yes and holds Keith's hand while blushing slightly. Keith blushes and his aura turns white again. Lance keeps his focus on keith as coran takes his blood and puts it in the machine.
"There the blood is in the tester now we need to wait a couple of minutes for results to come back" clean says. Everyone nods. keith and lance let go of hands even though they both wanted to keep holding hand. Shiro, pidge and hunk notice this and smile at them both. Lotor seems to be still smirking. Alura looked inpationed for the results.

A couple of minutes later, the machine beeps. The results are ready. Coran looks at them. "What does it say, coran?" Alura asks nervously. Coran reads the the results. His eyes widen but he also smiles. 'Please. Please be good. Please don't think I'm a freak' lance thought, begging to himself.

"The reason why Lance's eyes were glowing and why he had glowing altean Mark's is because..........."

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