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★★★You were excited about TXT coming back to Your homeTown

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You were excited about TXT coming back to Your homeTown. You loved their performance and you honestly loved all of them. Choosing just one to love wasnt going to be enough for your big heart. Your heart had an empty space for Five boys and the five that were on your TV screen fit perfectly. But what sucks is you have responsibilities so...it was time to head to bed.

"Alright...enough of Txt, I have work." You say as you stand up and stretch. "Gotta wake up early, do home work...then go to school—"

"Ah Y/N." Said a light voice...it was your (Boy/Girl) Best Friend that's also your roommate since well, you both thought it would be a good idea to share a house. "You know you have a lot to do tomorrow, so I don't understand why you're still awake."

"TXT was performing, I couldn't miss out on that."

"Oh gosh the Kpop thing." Your (Boy/Girl) best friend whined as you rolled your eyes.

"Yes the Kpop thing...what's up with you Kpop."

"You don't even understand what they're saying." (he/she) whined as you rolled your eyes.

"Well you can read can't you, there are subtitles and Translated lyrics for a reason." You say sounding a bit annoyed as your (Boy/Girl) best friend snorted fixing their tea.

"I'm messing with you, I know how you like those Kpop boys...now go to bed, I don't need you falling asleep in professors class...he'll get pissed." You rolled your eyes again going upstairs to your room. You opened the door to TXT posters and other groups on your wall. Your bed Filled with BT21 plushies and blanket, sheets, along with comforter that showed a Galaxy. You flopped onto your bed moving your finger in a circular motion around the TXT poster.

"I can just imagine my life being as magical as theirs...I mean I know the stuff isn't real but, what if it was." You said starring at the poster. Your gaze never really left it. You looked at each member but the member that caught your eye the most was Hueningkai. You could've sworn he was glowing. You shook your head and laid down looking up at the ceiling. Your heart was racing just thinking about how amazing their concert is going to be. But...your excitement turned into something else. You were hearing things.

Oh gosh the Kpop thing.

Why do you even like kpop.

You don't even understand the lyrics.

The thoughts were swirling in your head. You angrily stood up grabbing your headphones and ipod shoving the dock inside. You scrolled down to the Dream chapter magic going down to Magic island. The song helps you sleep and flush out negative thoughts. Negativity was taking a toll on you lately since everyone hates the fact you don't like anyone other than Kpop groups. Or so that's what everyone assumes. Your eyes closed being whisked away into a deep sleep.


As you were in a deep sleep the Dream chapter Magic album began shaking...vibrating at that. Rays of light began circling the album. It was like Magic. You then began to levitate from your bed up into the air. Your body began glowing and parts of you started fading away. The rays of light then turned into fire.

"Y/n!" You heard in your head. You rolled over ignoring the calls in your head.

"Y/N!" The voice got louder.

"Go away." You said in your sleep as the flames grew brighter. You were getting angry. Your body then vanished, heaving Hamgom and your bed neatly placed like how it was before...while you were missing.

★ne Dream (a TXT one shot) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now